Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc./ make a stand for autism with us!!!

Please help us to stand up for autism.

Our mission is to help autism via technology like tablets, music and the arts to improve the quality of life for autistic people.

Please help us to help autistic people like my 3 kids and I.


David Berkowitz
Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc.

linkedin–>[email protected]

Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone/ the Video #1 9.12.11

Please share this video with people you know, might know and just met. We need support to help autism and to get our nonprofit rolling and helping people like ourselves on the autism spectrum.

Please stand up for autism with us.

Our mission is to help autism via technology, music and the arts to improve the quality of life for autistic people.


David J. Berkowitz
Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc.

A tribute to the victims of 9/11/2001 and my thoughts

Personally what I have to say is that I can my first emotion was shock. My wife and I woke up that morning, she turned on the tv, I asked here what is it a movie? Sadly enough it was not a movie, it was reality. Our nation has gone through some great moments of patriotism and strengthened our bonds in some ways and tough times in many other ways.

I am glad like that nothing else has really happened since, thank God.

Here are some features with regards to 9/11/2001:

A Hero

A charity song for children who lost
a firefighter/police parent in the 911 attack.
The morning froze in silence
as the terror filled our hearts
we stared in disbelief at what we saw.
Through the dust we felt so helpless,
wishing that we could have known.
We hold our families close, as we watched them fall.

Some people didn’t waiver, they had a job to do.
There was nothing that could keep them away…

Oh, it’s a special kind of hero
who would sacrifice themselves – so I could spend another day with you.
And for all the fallen heroes who saved a life that day
your courage unites a nation, and we’ll remember you.

So many people crying, walking in a daze
holding pictures of their loved ones
through an empty haze.
Our Heroes didnt falter, they held out a helping hand
remembering their own children, as they rushed inside again.

They didnt waiver, they had a job to do
and some never made it home that day.

Oooh well remember you. We honor you, salute,
respect and cherish you.
Not many people can do the duty that
you knew on that cold September day.

Lyrics by Amy Matthew ASCAP 2008,
music by Karen Mack from KAR Records.

A musical tribute–>

and another fitting tribute–>

God Bless the victims and heroes who are back in heaven….God Bless America!!!!

A little about us, why to take a look at the site, why to come back again and again.

We are unique:

I am the asperger’s father of 3 on the spectrum. I am a person with Asperger’s therefore I offer a unique firsthand perspective on tech products for persons w/autism and autism education.

I offer my opinions on life with autism as well as a peak into the lives of my kids who also are on the spectrum.

I also offer a glimpse into the mind of a 42 year old army vet, who works in tech sales for a software company, and now runs an autism non profit to help others with autism via technology, and the gift of music, and the arts. Our dream is to improve the quality of life for people with autism.

I want to change the world, become a force for autistic people and also help fund autism education in music and the arts.

I also am working on funding to donate Ipads and Android tablets to autistic people, their families, and autism education.

Our logo
Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone

Or an alternative

Combating Autism Reauthorization Act Passes Senate Committee

This post is in support of the autism society and Combating Autism Reauthorization Act Passes Senate Committee!!!

September 7, 2011
By Autism Society

Today we witnessed a big step toward preserving federal funding for autism-related research, treatments, screening and interventions. The Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee unanimously passed the Combating Autism Reauthorization Act (CARA) during its committee meeting this morning, which means the bill can be debated on the Senate floor.

The Autism Society would like to thank the HELP Committee, including Chairman Tom Harkin (D-IA), Ranking Member Mike Enzi (R-WY) and Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ) for their leadership, as well as all sponsors of the bill for their support.

While today’s results were positive, we still have more work to ensure CARA is passed by September 30, the day the Combating Autism Act of 2006 will expire and the $693 million in federal funding it appropriates will disappear. Passage in the Senate will provide vital support to getting the reauthorization passed in the House.

Please continue to reach out to your Representatives in both the House and Senate and urge them to support this critically important reauthorization.

TAKE ACTION: Send a letter to your Representatives!

Please donate today to help us to help Autism Via technology, music and the arts!!!!

In order to make a difference and help autistic people like ourselves we need your help. Please tell everyone to come to our website and make a donation.
Even if you can only afford a quarter it all helps. If you want to send us a donation via postal mail then email me. We are trying to do a promotion donate a dollar for autism or donate from our web portal. We are trying to improve the quality of life for autistic people using technology like tablets, music and the arts, as well as getting tickets to cultural events and gift cards to give to autistic people, their families and autism education. Our goal is to become a national foundation for autism like the American Diabetes Foundation or the American Heart Association(I have high blood pressure and diabetes and can relate). We are here to stand up for autism, to make a difference in the lives of autistic people and their families. I have asperger’s and my 3 kids are on the spectrum as well. We are trying to raise funds for an event in October with, and for the holidays coming up.

Thank you for your support.


Tablets for Autism Education, here are some recent new worth taking a look at!!!!

1) Sony S1, It seems unique in design, and with Sony’s reputation for quality it is worth considering. I credit Cnet for the following review. It offers psp interoperability so it might be worth buying–>

2)New Toshiba Tablet At200, much thinner than the thrive, and more ports than its competitors and thinner too.

3) Archos 80 G9, a nice and affordable tablet and other versions, with Android 3.2.

4) Lenovo Thinkpad Tablet, seems quite nice, especially the display quality.I also like the usb 2.0 port, and the stylus.

5) Samsung 7.7. A nice sized tablet from Samsung. It seems quite nice.

Team-Touchdroid dual boots Android on TouchPad — touchscreen not included By Christopher Trout posted Sep 3rd 2011 8:13PM

I am still seeking a touch pad. For those of you that have one, developers are working on allowing it to run Web Os as well as Android.

According to the fine folks at Engadget–>

The race to get Android working on the now budget-friendly HP TouchPad is on. We’ve already heard rumors of the little green robot coming pre-installed on the ill-fated slate and we’ve seen the first CM7 boot, but no one’s gone all the way quite yet. While progress is slow, a team of dedicated TouchPad hackers, calling itself Team-Touchdroid, is now showing off a dual-boot configuration with Android 2.3.5. As with CM7, the touchscreen still doesn’t work, but the demo video is quite dramatic — that is until the credits stop rolling. If early-stage flip-flopping OSs are your thing, hop on past the break, but don’t say we didn’t warn you: it’s going to get weird.

Here is a video from youtube showing how it works.

Since HP may be making more of them, they are definitely worth considering as an option.

We need some to donate and test so if anyone wants to help us get some let me know.

It is amazing how smart some of the developers are when it comes to technology.

I heard about this article from the Koffee Klatch on Twitter from Kid’s Companions with regards to Raising Autistic Children

Per Kid’s Companions–>

I just wrote a book review of What I Wish I’d Known about Raising a Child with Autism: A Mom and a Psychologist Offer Heartfelt Guidance for the First Five Years by Bobbi Sheahan and Kathy DeOrnellas, Ph.D. By the last page of the book, I felt as if I knew the young mom, Bobbi, and would really love to have help from a professional like Dr. DeOrnellas. The following interview with Bobbi Sheahan will add another helpful friend to your list. And if you have not yet read my review of the book or the book itself, Bobbi’s honest, encouraging answers should entice you to do so.

Bobbi writes beautifully and I enjoyed every chapter! The margins of my book are filled with my symbols for “Wow this is SO good”. I appreciate Bobbi’s comment about the review that she felt:” You really, really understood what we are trying to do. Thank you so very much!”

This sounds like an informative resources worth reading.

Here are links to the author and the web review of her book.

If you have the time I would consider reading the book.

Tools for Parents Who Worry About Autism from Parents Magazine

I recently read an article with regards to parents of autistic kids by Kara Corridan.

In our October issue, out any day now, we have a special report by Darshak Sanghavi, M.D., called “Understanding Autism.”checklist In it Dr. Sanghavi, a member of the Parents advisory board, explores what is and isn’t known about autism’s causes, how the condition is identified and diagnosed, and the growing trend among researchers to focus on early intervention to help children with autism succeed.
What many parents of young children will want to know, of course, is how they can tell whether their child might be at risk for autism (note that they do not diagnose). And there are two important tools available to help moms and dads do just that—fairly simple questionnaires that take only a few minutes to complete. As we explain in our story:

For the rest of the story click here–>