James Durbin, American Idol 2011, we are fans and are watching as his career progresses. This is a video from the Ellen Degeneres Show Interview on May 19, 2011. My wife Loves Ellen. I would love to go on the show to talk about efforts to promote autism, technology, and our nonprofits efforts to give the gift of tech, music, and culture and education.
James Durbin, former American Idol 2011 performs on the Ellen Degeneres Show May 19, 2011
As our efforts to follow James Durbin, from American Idol 2011 continue since he is autistic like me, and is quite talented we will keep reporting on and promoting his efforts.
A James Durbin American Idol 2011, Interview with Hollywood Life from Youtube
Here is an interesting video I found that was done by Hollywood life with James Durbin a bit ago.
James Durbin MTV Post Idol Interview May 2011
I found this interesting James Durbin interview on MTV. My family and our autism organization support James in his future endeavors and wish him the best.
An Interesting report–>Genetic-mutations-linked-to-autistic-spectrum-disorders
According to PSYCHCENTRAL, A new research study discovers several sporadic genetic mutations in children with autistic spectrum disorder.
University of Washington researchers used new molecular biology techniques to discover the mutations. The research is published online in the journal Nature Genetics.
Dr, Brian O’Roak and colleagues analyzed the genetic makeup of 20 individuals with autism spectrum disorder and their parents.
Please click here for the rest of the story and more information–>http://psychcentral.com/news/2011/05/17/genetic-mutations-linked-to-autistic-spectrum-disorders/26248.html
Information from The Monarch School an Autism School In Lakeland Florida
According to their about page–>
The Executive Director, Amy Arnold, M.S.Ed., has had a vision for seventeen years. This vision is to provide an educational opportunity like no other. The Monarch School is the product of her vision, combined with the efforts and hard work of the Middle/High Director, Mrs. Misty Reed, and other professionals and specialists, to bring evidence based interventions and therapies to your child! We believe that every child can learn. We believe you should never limit a child’s potential. And we believe in NEVER giving up!
The Monarch School
1736 New Jersey Rd.
Lakeland, FL 33803
On the Campus of Lakeside Baptist Church
Office: (863) 680-1290
Fax: (863) 680-1296
A link to their website:
Please check them out!!!
James Durbin American Idol 2011, was voted off, we still hope for the best in his career.
James Durbin, was voted off of American Idol 2011. He like Daughtry before him made it to #4. He was unique, talented and we really like him. I feel that with his talent, he should still be successful. James, do not let this get you down, keep reaching for the brass ring and you will indeed be successful. He is the first person on the autism Spectrum to make it on Idol and the first heavy medalist as well. We are proud of his accomplishments so far and expect great things in the future, so do not let us and your other fans down, and make it big and help the autism community as well.
Here is a snippet from Bill Board as well on the same subject:
In “American Idol’s” biggest shocker since Pia Toscano was eliminated five weeks ago, rocker James Durbin was sent packing on the elimination episode tonight (May 12). Scotty McCreery, Lauren Alaina and Haley Reinhart remain and make up season 10’s top three contestants.
James, who performed “Don’t Stop Believin'” and “Love Potion No. 9” under Lady Gaga’s tutelage on last night’s episode, appeared stunned when host Ryan Seacrest revealed that Scotty was safe and that the rocker was eliminated.
click here for the rest of the story:
We were all shocked at his being voted off, I was thinking Hailey would be next. I think that Scotty and Loren will be the final 2. It is hard to say who will come out on top. I like all 3 of them, but would have preferred James.
Google Talks About the new Android 2011 Icecream Sandwich version of the OS coming soon
The following video is an exciting look for those of us tech lovers into the new version of Android os. It seems really nice, I hope that it helps special needs education as well. I know there are some special needs Android apps starting to launch such as www.discovermyvoice.com for example.
The Video–>
A really nice video about a Coffee Bar in Florida that is helping autism.
James Durbin American Idol Top 4-May 11, 2011
In our continuing effort to follow James, a fellow gentleman with Asperger’s Syndrome. I present the 2 performances from May 11, 2011 of American Idol 2011, the Final 4.
Song # 1
Song # 2
We will keep continuing to follow James and his career and the Idol Results for 2011.