Raw and uninterrupted print of 4-colour 3D Benchy to be uploaded soon!

Risks and challenges
There’s always going to be an element of risk when ordering a product through Kickstarter however this will be our fifth time here doing this, so to say we know what were doing and we’re confident we can deliver is a promise we can strongly guarantee on keeping – which is not something all campaigns can say, in particular 3d printing ones. Over the course of releasing the Original Proforge, v2, v3 and the Axis 3d printer we’ve learnt a great deal. From what makes a great 3d printer to what also makes a great business. The Proforge 4 takes the best of what we have learnt over the years and applies all of that together, here, now.Learn about accountability on Kickstarter
Environmental commitments
Visit our Environmental Resources Center to learn how Kickstarter encourages sustainable practices.
Long-lasting design
We’ve built the Proforge 4 from as many aluminium components as possible to ensure a strong, stable machine that will last for many years. Furthermore we’ve also included parts that are open-source and available from outside of Makertech 3D, meaning that you can go on servicing your printer well after it’s warranty has expired.
Reusability and recyclability
Upcycling is made possible by the “kit” nature of the design. If you want to switch a part out it’s more than possible to find the old part a new home in another printer or to give/sell to another user who may be able to use it in their printer. The Proforge 4 was designed with the wider 3d printing community in mind and its place in it.