In my continuing series featuring some fine articles by Mari Nosal a fellow parent of kids on the autism spectrum here is a nice piece that she said I could present on our news site for technology and autism. Please also check out our youtube page—youtube link
Graduation season is finally upon us. Many parents have children who will be transitioning to the next chapter of their lives. This may include entering the working world upon high school graduation, making the transition to college life, living independently, and many other rites of passage children may encounter on the path to becoming young adults.
This is, no doubt, an extreme period of uncertainty for all parents. Letting go of our children is never easy. Have faith in your parenting skills. You and your children have come so far.
I hope you can find solace in my poem, “Time To Grow”.
I have chosen to share my poem during this season of transition, to let parents know that we all share the same fears, hopes, and dreams for our children.
Savor each developmental stage your child enters. Remember, challenges and struggles are present in every stage of development; yet, so are progression, accomplishments, success and other reasons to rejoice.
A fine poem as well from Mari–>
Time To Grow
My child I do love you
With your peers I wish you’d go
The world to you still so new
Experience you need to sew
Close to home you choose to stay
And always be alone
I wish you’d choose another way
Step out of your comfort zone
To the world you’ve much to give
Sincere and funny you
Please my son, go out and live
The life that was given to you
A world of girls and friendships too
Await you at your feet
When alone I watch you
Your peers I wish you’d meet
When I think of what you’ve missed
First kiss, the prom, and more
Experiences too long to list
I wish a magic wand I had to open up the door
A door that opens up for you
A world of friends and more
Where you could see yourself anew
And venture out the door
Your reclusive ways they pain me
More than you could ever know
I make sure that you never see
The stinging tears that flow
I feel like I need to
Do more for you right now
I wish that I could show you
When, and why and how
Will you ever have a family
Of your very own
Time will tell and we will see
Whether you will be alone
I know your life is yours to live
Your fate I cannot plan
I still feel more I could give
As you grow to be a man
Don’t fight me when I guide you
I do it out of love
The best is all I can do
It is up to God above-Mari Nosal
Here is a link to Mari’s blog as well–>