We will be featured in a Radio Interview on Las Vegas Radio Channels 107.9 and 105.7 on 5/8/11 at 6:30 am

I would like to let people know that we will be on the radio on Beasley Broadcastings Las Vegas Channels 107.9 and 105.7 on Sunday the 8th at 6:30 am. I would like to thank Camila Buechler at GGB/Beasley Broadcasting for the chance to do a Radio Interview on our Nonprofit.


Voices of Autism: ‘It’s Sort of a Good Thing’ a nice series from Parent Magazine

Please check out this nice series from Parents Magazine at the following link:–> http://www.parents.com/blogs/goodyblog/tag/voices-of-autism/

Every day throughout April–Autism Awareness Month–we have featured a different reader-submitted story about living with autism. We received nearly 200 submissions, each of which tells a unique and moving story of children and their families struggling with the most difficult of circumstances and rising above their challenges. We thank everyone who shared their stories with us.

In this, the final installment of the series, we are featuring a true voice of autism: the transcript of an interview conducted by Emily Willingham, author of the blog A Life Less Ordinary, with her 9-year-old son, T.H., who has autism.

For obvious reasons, many autistic children are unable right now to articulate their lives. My son T.H. and I have discussed this issue before, and he has expressed a wish to let people know what autism is like, at least for him. (Responses are verbatim with non-sequitur interjections and vocalizations not included).


A shout out to Featsonv and their Autism Gala and Compass Behavioral Services

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the recent Autism Gala that Featsonv hosted yesterday in Las Vegas. I would like also like to thank Andreanna from Compass Behavorial Services who sponsored my entry into the gala. I really appreciate the opportunity to attend. Compass Behavorial Services is an excellent provider of behavioral services to children both on the autism spectrum and not on the spectrum who need support for a variety of Behavior issues. They are really caring and supportive and make a difference in the lives of children and their parents.

In regards to the gala it was quite impressive, and they received a great deal of support from members of the community for their organization.
In regards to their organization, our family has gone to many of their events over the years.

Once our organization gets better funded, please tell everyone you know about our efforts, we also intend to help autistic people and their family. I want to help autistic people and their families as stated on our mission page. I will try to help Featsonv as well, by contributing to their organization as well.

for more information on Featsonv, go to www.featsonv.org or for more information on Compass Behavorial Services, go to http://www.topix.com/yp/las-vegas-nv/403657642b-compass-behavioral-health