Please take a look at it is amazing!!!

I recently communicated with Ms. Jean Nicol the founder of “The eating Game,” please take a look at her website.

Here is a summary from their site with reference to their products and purpose:

EYECAN CREATIONS Publications, based in Pictou County, Nova Scotia, is dedicated to creating visual support materials to assist with communication, development of social skills and expectations for daily routines. We develop ready made and customized materials for children, youth and adults. We endeavour to purchase publishing supplies from local businesses. When production staff is needed we have been very fortunate in being able to hire unemployed, underemployed people with disabilities and would hope to be able to continue to do so.

The Eating GameTM and The Eater’s Choice Daily Meal Planner are available for purchase at this site and also from retail outlets across Canada (see Resources Page)

Do not hesitate to contact us to inquire about support materials we can create for you or ways we might adapt available products to meet your individual needs.

The Bucktooth Rabbit Stories will be a series of children’s fables dealing with timely, pertinent social issues by artist and author Sandra Mason.

Please go to their website and if you have special needs family members or friends with eating issues buy them the game it might work wonders for them like it has for other people.

Please also go to their fan page and take a look as well:!/pages/The-Eating-Game/117743845389

Please also take a look at Ms. Jean Nichol’s biography and future products also on their site.

Jeremy Brown’s App Recommendations for Students with Autism

Recently I became aware of a autism educator, Jeremy Brown, who is using Ipads in his classroom to help educate his special needs students. He has published the following on scribd at the following website. He has evaluated many of the available Ipad and Iphone apps and through his experiences as an autism educator, he has compiled and continues to compile lists of the best applications that are the most effective:

Here are some of them.

Jeremy Brown’s App Recommendations for Students with Autism

Jeremy Brown’s App Recommendations for Students with Autism
Updated February 7, 2011

–>Behavior Assessment Pro by Vermont BehavioralSolutions, LLC [iPhone\iPod Touch, $24.99]

–>BehaviorTrackerPro by Marz Consulting Inc.[iPhone\iPod Touch, $29.99]


Interval Minder by Notchland Labs, LLC[iPhone\iPod Touch, $2.99]

Percentally by RinnApps[iPhone\iPod Touch, $2.99]


iReward by Grembe Inc.[Universal, $4.99]

RewardTimer by Hidden View Software[iPhone\iPod Touch, $1.99]

Smart Charts by Happy Face Kidz[iPhone\iPod Touch, $2.99] AAC

TapSpeak Button for iPad by Ted Conley[iPad, $9.99]

TapSpeak Sequence for iPad by Ted Conley[iPad, $29.99]

iComm[iPhone\iPod Touch, FREE (9 categories) w/in-apppurchase $7.99 for 20 categories]

Expressive by Smarty Ears[Universal, $34.99]

MyTalkTools Mobile by
2nd Half Enterprises, LLC[Universal, FREE – LITE version limited to 12 cellsOR $39.99 & monthly subscription for web-based authoring interface]

Talkforme by iWord Limited[Universal, $5.99]

TapSpeak Choice for iPad by Ted Conley[iPad, $99.99]

Proloquo2Go by AssistiveWare[Universal, $189.99]

GRACE – Picture Exchange for Non-Verbal Peopleby Steven Troughton-Smith[Universal, $37.99]

Time Timer by Time Timer LLC[iPhone\iPod Touch, $4.99]

Autism Timer by ROUGE41[iPhone\iPod Touch, $2.99]

Teacher Tools – Who’s Next? by Naaptime Software[iPhone\iPod Touch, $2.99]


Sunny Articulation Test by Smarty Ears Apps[Universal, $49.99]

Articulate It! by Smarty Ears[Universal, $39.99]

Match2Say by Smarty Ears[Universal, $34.99]

Say It Again!, Speech Corners, Speech Squares,Speech Hangman, Tic-Tac-Talk by LIMNET[Universal, $2.99\each]

Typ-O & Typ-HD by Second Guess ApS[iPhone\iPod Touch or iPad, $1.99 or $9.99] AssistiveChat by assistive apps[Universal, $34.99]

PredictAble by Therapy Box[iPad, $159.99]

Speak It! by Future Apps Inc.[Universal, $1.99]

Dragon Dictation by Nuance Communication[Universal, FREE]

His blog is also very nice as well–>

Jeremy Brown’s App Recommendations for Students with Autism

About Jeremy:
He is an elementary special education teacher with a public school system in Maryland. He teaches a self-contained class of children in grades 3.
through 5th who have autism. Thiswill be my fifth year teaching. Assistive and instructional technologies are a professional interest of his. His students are fortunate to have several older generationiPhones and iPod Touches as well as two iPads for use in their classroom. These deviceswere purchased used off craigslist or eBay using personal funds. For many of the apps that he recommended, he was able to get promo codes from app developers in exchange forfeedback.

Please also check him out on facebook at

We are as part of our fund raising efforts trying to give free ipads to teachers and classrooms like Jeremy.
Please take a look at our fund raising page.

Please also check out who also profile special needs applications for ipads as well.

Check out the Hope Institute in Springfield Illinois they help with Autism!!!

My wife’s cousin works at the hope institute. They do a great deal to educate and train autistic people. It is a very impressive school. Please take a look at their video from youtube.

Free Free Apple Ipads and Apple Ipads fundraiser for Autism with the Puzzling Pieces

I have 3 autistic kids, 2 are twins. I was inspired by Lillies Pad’s, and the Hollyrod foundation’s promotion to help make a difference for autism. I will donate an Ipad to some of the donors. Either you can donate on our site and I will go and buy their ipad promo jewelry and once we get 60 pieces they will donate an ipad for an autistic kid or special ed classroom, or you can go to and take part in their ipad autism jewelry promotion and mention that we referred you then you have a chance at winning one as well. If you have an autistic person that needs one then email me at [email protected] and tell me your story and you might get one free. Tell everyone.
If you make a donation on, then email me and tell me you were a donor and I will confirm it and you might be one of the winners.

We can also take donations on our site as well. We are trying to get started in making a difference.

Free Ipads for Autistic People, help with the fundraiser and win one free, too!!!

Please see our fundraiser tab. We are working with to donate Ipads for free to autistic people and families that need them.
Some of the people that participate in the fundraiser can win one as well as part of the promotion.

Feat and

My family and I have attended many events that are sponsored by they have been great for our 3 autistic kids, and the support for parents has been excellent as well.

See their link here—>

They have teen programs as well as monthly events. They also have an annual fund raising event.