Author Archives: David Berkowitz, Editor in Chief.
New LG Slate Exciting Corporate Video
Bill Gates Talks Vaccines and Autism with Sanjay Gupta
Vaccines vs. autism is back in the news.
Bill Gates is an angry philanthropist. Arguably the richest man in America and thereby the most philanthropic, he sat down on CNN with Dr. Sanjay Gupta the other day.
In response to a question from Dr. Gupta about the constant drumbeat of claims that vaccines are dangerous, Mr. Gates said, “It’s an absolute lie that has killed thousands of kids. The mothers who heard that lie, many of them didn’t have their kids take either pertussis or measles vaccine, and their children are dead today.”
Please see the Gather website for the rest of the story…
Free Ipads for Autism Fundraiser via Fundraiser with Puzzling Pieces, Plus we will give a way 2 to donors as well.
I was on Lillie Pad’s website the other day and saw information from Puzzling Pieces an excellent Jewelry Company that makes autism focused jewelry that also donates 25% of their receipts to charity as well. I found that they have a really nice fundraiser whereby they will donate an ipad to the fundraising person or organization for every 60 pieces that people donate/buy on their behalf. Their jewelry starts at $ 20 a piece and are really nice.
I am starting a fundraiser to help get Ipads to Donate to people that need them.
Please go to their website and tell them that your were referred by technewszone and if you like their jewelry and can afford it, buy some it will help autism.
a link to their site:
I will donate the Ipads to people that are in need of them and can not afford them. I will also give away 2 of them to people that have purchased them on behalf of my website as well.
Here is an excerpt from their site–>
This year The Puzzling Piece is going to try something new that can help your child. We always work on fundraising to help Autism groups and Schools. This year we will keep doing that and help your child too.
Our challenge to you is ….if you sell 60 Puzzling Piece necklaces, key chains or combination of both. We will give you a brand new I Pad for your child or your students. We want to offer this opportunity to everyone that we can help.
If you ask your family and friends to help you sell, you can send them the photos. You don’t need to lay out any money. When you are ready we will ship the product right to your home. Feel free to post our photos and pass out flyers.
Together we can give the gift of technology.
Here is a link to
They are a really nice site as well.
My thanks, David, the Founder.
Spurwink Launches App for Teens and Adults on the Autism Spectrum
Spurwink, a non-profit organization that provides educational and mental health services, is releasing a mobile application designed for teens and adults on the autism spectrum, including Asperger’s and other developmental delays. Called “Hanging Out,” this app is the first of a series that will help support adolescents and adults in social situations.
Teens and adults affected by Asperger’s, or who are on the autism spectrum, have a hard time picking up social cues or figuring out non-verbal communication among their peers. The “Hanging Out” App explains how to invite a friend out and provides suggestions on what to do when out with friends.
Please take a look at the complete story on PR WEB–>click
Personally, I feel that this is a great application. I could use something like it it my life. It would have helped me when I was growing up. In the 1980’s however the technology did not exist.
Good Luck to Egypt and it’s citizens
I hope for the best for the inhabitants of Egypt in the year to come. Hopefully this new era will make all of your lives better. I wish for peace and happiness for all of humanity.
Wow!! Palm just launched a new HP Touchpad and is worth taking a look at
Per Palm:”HP webOS goes big.
Our breakthrough interface features a spacious workspace and activity cards that provide an easy way to visualize and organize what you’re working on. Easily move back and forth between cards.1 And group related cards in stacks—or have them stacked automatically.”
Per me, I really like the look of it, and was impressed by the videos.
My only concern would be the availability of applications. It’s advantages are the fact that HP has deep pockets and a ton of partners and resources. The competition is rough, with Android, the honeycomb tablets coming out soon, the Motorola and LG with their slate. I had heard from a rep at a Tmobile store that the Dell Streak 7″ tablet would get a honeycomb update as well. The other strong competitor would be Apple and their Ipad of course. The current Ipad does not offer as much under the hood, but its’ user interface and applications are leaders in the market. If you look at applications that relate to special needs people, the Ipad especially is a leader.
I am impressed by the touchpad and would love to do a hands on evaluation and comparison of it. If anyone wants to loan me one I will do a full on evaluation.
See HP/Palms website—>
HP Web OS Conference today to launch new products and tablets
Right now, HP is announcing new products including tablets. It should be interesting to see what they are launching as well as the price range. I am intrigued and interested in seeing what is being launched. I will post more information later.
My opinion in reference to the 2 Commercials
I thought that the Apple commercial launched in 1984 attracted the worlds attention, it was unique and innovative and to many respects true. I remember how amazing the first black and white macs were. They were unique and interesting just like the Mac Cube.
In regards to the new commercial it is unique, and interesting. Now 27 years after the first commercial, Apple is now the trend setter, the innovator, the “big” guys. We shall see what the future brings.
I am intrigued by the new Honeycomb Android tablets. They should prove to be feature rich and powerful.