My life with Aspergers an introduction and opinions

I have been told by friends, family, spouse, and my childrens’ counselor’s that I seen like I might have Asperger’s if so it would explain a great deal. One thing that I have noticed is that my memory involving numbers is really good. I hardly ever forget phone numbers, dates and license plate numbers.
I also feel more detached that other people. It is hard to explain but at many times in my life I have felt not fully interfaced. I played sports on occasion and was never really good at it. In addition, I always was very aware that the people who were playing it seemed more involved. I have asked other people what they liked about playing this or that game and I was told the rush of playing it. I have never really felt the so called adrenalin rush of much in life. It is as if I played the part, but it never has been real for me. My life has been like a 2 d movie, where everyone else’s has been 3d and theirs has had better sound as well.
Academics in school were easy, I never really had to try. I never quite got the social, sports or other activities. I have always had trouble reading people. The ironic thing is that I am one of the people who can read a 1200 page book in 2-3 days. When I was out of work 2 years ago, I read all of the twilight books in less than a week, but that has not made me rich, famous or popular.

In regards to friends, I have always wanted them, but other than my wife, and kids, I have no real friends.
I was told by people back in school, you are “trying to hard”, I still do not get what that means.

I am also overly analytical, nothing really, as people have told me comes naturally. Nothing has “come naturally.” My life has been one trying to make friends, understand their interests and trying and failing to be like them.
I am a person that takes nothing at face value.
I have a religion but do not really get it. I find reincarnation intriguing. I question everything, and am a seeker of knowledge.
We live in a world where people accept certain things without question and question other things without seeking the reality of the answer.
I have spent my life being told certain, things, but unlike other people I seek greater understanding constantly.
I wonder a great deal.

What are other people thoughts about spirituality, and autism?

Does anyone else who is Asperger’s have past life memories?

Have any of you felt as I have felt when it comes to playing sports, or making friends?

If so let me know about it and I will post your experiences as well.

Windows Phone 7

I have had an HTC HD2 for about a year. I have liked the size of the screen, it is great for watching movies. I have also liked the fact that is very customizable. It can run windows 6.5 and thanks to smart developers such as those on XDA developers it can also run windows 6.55, various iterations of Android OS, and now windows phone 7. I used to have a tmobile g1 and have had prior exposure to Android. It is getting better and better and from the examples of Honey Comb that I saw at CES 2011 it is on its way to becoming quite a nice system.

I recently have had the opportunity to use Windows Phone 7. I have actually been fairly impressed. It is a major improvement over windows 6.5. It is leaning more towards an Apple Iphone(trade mark of Apple) product in terms of the way it works.
One thing that has impressed me with Microsoft’s Windows Phone 7 is that, though it has less applications than its’ competitors, it does have some decent ones out of the box. It has Netflix, which allows for watching movies and tv shows on demand. I have been reasonably impressed by Zune as well. I think that Android needs the option of a solution like Itunes or Zune for the people that want easy integration. Android does have the Android Market(Google) but it is not an integrated solution for apps, music and video.
I think that Windows Phone 7 had a few present limitations that might improve in the future. It lacks the mass storage capabilities of Android. I like to be able to easily drag and drop, business docs, music and video from my computer onto my phone and watch them or listen to or view the files.

I also think that Windows Phone 7 would benefit from a better keyboard solution such as either one know as “better keyboard” which can be purchased from the Android market. It allows total customization of the keyboard appearance.
I feel that Windows phone 7 is a decent product that can only get better. It needs the ability to easily install apps from the web or from your computer, videos from other sources, and music via drag and drop.
It does have a nice video and movie playing solution with Zune, and Netflix as well as carrier based video on demand services such as Tmobile TV.

I wonder why Netflix is not available for android it definitely needs to be.

What are your thoughts on Windows Phone 7?

link to windows phone 7–>

windows phone link

Link to Android–>

Google’s Schmidt Passes CEO Reins to Co-Founder Page

Jan. 21 (Bloomberg) — Google Inc. co-founder Larry Page will become chief executive officer, taking the reins from Eric Schmidt, who oversaw the transformation of a barely profitable startup with 200 employees into the owner of the world’s most- used search engine, with $29 billion in sales last year.

“Larry is ready,” Schmidt, who will become executive chairman, said on a conference call yesterday. “It’s time for him to have a shot at running this.”…

—click here for link–

iPads For Autism

Westbury, NY – Danny’s Wish, an organization started to raise money for Autism and Autism related spectrum disorders, today announced a new campaign designed to provide iPads to schools catering to the development of autistic children.

link to a group that helps autistic kids

iPads And Autism

I have friends who have children with autism, and therefore articles about autism catch my eye. I am glad that James Kendrick recently blogged about the experience one mom had when she won an iPad and gave it to her autistic son to try. Shannon Rosa wrote in a blog post on BlogHer after giving her son the iPad, “With the iPad, Leo electrifies the air around him with independence and daily new skills.”

Another nice autism article

iHelp for Autism: The iPad opens up new worlds for autistic children

Now, as she sat in her Honda Odyssey in a Redwood City, California, parking lot, about to pick up some tacos for the family, her cellphone rang. It was the school secretary. Rosa had won the raffle.

Alone in her van, she screamed. Then she drove straight to the school to claim her prize: a glistening new iPad.

Ipads and their benefits for autistic kids

iPads May Help Children with Autism Communicate

The iPad was a very popular gift for the holidays this past year, with some experts estimating between 5 and 7 million sold. But the Apple tablet touch-screen computer may be more than just a fun entertainment item. For autistic children, the iPad may also be an effective device for teaching communication and social skills.

Another informative article about the benefits of Ipads to Autistic children: