I have never tried any type of CBD products and have never tried any Marijuana Products either. I am on the autism spectrum as are my 3 kids. I am also have type 2 Diabetes. Every time that I go to a trade event or street fair or autism event I have heard about CBD Products. Now that Marijuana is also legal in Nevada I have heard more and more and more about the health benefits of CBD products. We recently were contacted by the Pr folks who work with several companies that are reputable and produce CBD products. We are going to have the opportunity to test and review a variety of CBD products in the next month. Soon we will be getting CBD Gummy Bears from Meds Biotech.
Once we have the samples from Meds Biotech we will try, review and report back on our perceptions as to what they actually do in terms of their impact on the body such as reducing back pain or anxiety. see https://www.medsbiotech.com/collections/cbd-edibles
In regards to Meds Biotech:
Expertly Made
Their products are specially formulated by CBD experts.
100% Natural CBD
Their CBD is 100% natural with no synthetics to ensure the highest quality.
Their CBD contains no THC, which is the psychoactive agent of hemp.
According to their website:
A New Frontier In Pharmaceutical CBD.
Trust in Meds Biotech to deliver the highest quality, best CBD products, using all-natural ingredients, 100% organic hemp and the highest methods of production.

According to Web MD:
MONDAY, May 7, 2018 (HealthDay News) — Cannabidiol (CBD) oil has become the hot new product in states that have legalized medical marijuana.
The non-intoxicating marijuana extract is being credited with helping treat a host of medical problems — everything from epileptic seizures to anxiety to inflammation to sleeplessness.
I have heard locally that some people say that CBD has helped with body pain, reducing blood sugar as well as stress.
We will test and review the products that we get and will report back as to their effects.
How does CBD Work?
CBD oil works in conjunction with the endocannabinoid system. Because CBD is a cannabinoid, it helps to supplement the body’s natural cannabinoids, in turn strengthening the endocannabinoid system. In other words, the endocannabinoid system is a vast system of cannabinoid receptors. Furthermore, the body itself produces its own natural cannabinoids. CBD oil or cannabidiol, in general, is known as a phytocannabinoid (plant-based cannabinoid) which can help to supplement the endocannabinoid system (ECS).
CBD edibles are usually found in something sweet, like CBD gummies. It’s a great way to get your daily dose of pharmacist-formulated CBD oil, especially if you are an on-the-go person who doesn’t have time to relax with an oil or something else.
Turmeric is an excellent addition to your CBD oil, which is why we put in in our CBD capsules. Some studies show that turmeric helps as a possible antioxidant, an anti-inflammatory, and with heart health.
We are looking forward to testing and reviewing the samples that we receive to get an idea of how they work and their impact on the body.