How to make 2014 the best year ever!!

How to make 2014 the best year ever!!
How to make 2014 the best year ever!!

I wish everyone a happy New Year for 2014!! I am glad to see 2013 end. I can say we survived it.

Here is a clip of one of the first new years events on the planet for 2013–>


Here is a positive motivational article for 2013. My family and I are going to the budget movies to see Free Birds it seems today. Hopefully 1 year from now we will be well off enough to be able to afford a regular movie theater experience. In 2014, I hope that we get our 501c3, and actually make a difference for people with autism. I also hope that 2014 is a great for for the news organization as well.

If any one has an uplifting or inspiring or miraculous story about something they experienced and I can post in on the site or sage advice for parents of autistic young folks.

I appreciate all of our readers, listeners, viewers, and followers in 2013.


David J. Berkowitz
Autistic Blogger and father of 3 with autism.

I wish everyone a happy New Year for 2014!! I am glad to see 2013 end. I can say we survived it.

Here is a clip of one of the first new years events on the planet for 2013–>


How do I make 2014 my best year ever? – Network Marketing Tips (via

“To make 2014 Your Best Year yet, You need to Change Your Philosophy … Change Your Paradigm.” The article below is written by one of my new mentors for 2014. I told him he put, in a few short words, here, the book, “Think and Grow Rich”. I…

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