Please take a look at our recent article on Autismspot, Guest Piece – Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone

Thanks to Leigh from the autism spot, we had an excellent article published that details how we plan on helping and making a stand for autism!!!

his guest piece is written by a man passionate about his vision. David Berkowitz lives in Las Vegas, is an honorably discharged veteran and spent the last 20 years in sales and marketing. David lives with Asperger’s Syndrome and is raising three kids also on the spectrum. Looking to improve the lives of individuals with autism through technology and the arts, David wants to share a bit about his vision with AutismSpot readers. Please help me welcome, David.
By David Joseph Berkowitz
As an individual with high functioning Asperger’s and the father of 3 kids who are also on the spectrum, I have always felt a need to give back to the world and community, to truly do something exceptional, and make a difference for the people with autism.

For the rest of the story please follow the link below.


I would like to thank autism spot for this opportunity and help with the article!!

5 Nice autism websites that are worth checking out!!! Families of Autism and Asperger’s standing together. In our my case my family is autism and Asperger’s., an excellent site, with awesome articles for autism. Another excellent and informative website It helps with autism awareness and information I read and loved his book and the site is nice

Google Android Icecream Preview Videos and Samsung Nexus S

Google officially launched their icecream version of android recently. Here are some nice videos of the OS in action and some of the new devices running it:

Android Google and youtube preview videos showing off their new phones and android 4.0 ice cream sandwich. It seems to be a decent improvement upon their design.




I hope that it becomes available on the HTC evo 3d.

I wanted to let you know that we’ve posted a project at – a platform for helping fund social projects – and it’s been approved!

Hello everyone!

I wanted to let you know that we’ve posted a project at – a platform for helping fund social projects – and it’s been approved!

Now I need your help to get it featured on the site.

All I need you to do is go to this link: and click the Sure, I’ll Help button. It will ask you to log in or create an account (which is free and really easy), and then add you to the endorsement list.

Endorsing a project doesn’t commit you to anything, except that you like the project and would be willing to help support it once once it’s featured on the site. If you REALLY want to help, you can pass this on to your friends or post it on Facebook or Twitter.

Once we get enough endorsements the project will go live and people will actually be able to fund it.

Thank you in advance for doing this! I’ll send you more updates as this project moves forward!

Mr. Steve Jobs you will be missed 1955-2011

Please check out this tribute on Apple’s website.

I have been an Apple user since the Apple 2’s came out I started using them in 1983, which makes me old, just kidding.

I remember how amazing the first Mac I ever saw was a Mac, original. Mr. Norman Vordahl at Bonanza high school in Las Vegas, the coolest computer teacher brought one in to our class room, and used it all the time. It have to have been Mac os 1.0 or something like that with a monochrome screen and a square mouse. It was still the coolest piece of technology I had ever seen.It had the grey screen when all other screens were orange or green it seems. You had to love macpaint!!!

I remember Pixar, with out whose existence there would not have been Toy Story, one of the most special movies of the generation.

Then there is Next, which were the most interesting computers that I had ever laid my eyes on. They were interesting, and innovative, just like everthing Mr. Jobs laid his hands on. He was like Edison or Tesla of sorts.

One of our missions as a nonprofit is to give away tablets like the Ipad to autistic people and education with out Mr. Jobs and Apple they would not have existed.

One of my goals in life is to change the world, Mr. Jobs definitely left the world a better place after it experienced him than it was before his existence here on our plane here on Earth.

Even though there are anti Apple people, they have to admit that the tech world was heavily influenced by Mr. Jobs and Apple.

What would computers have been like without Apple’s gui’s, would there even have been a Microsoft windows or would we still be using DOS.

Yes Xerox and its Palo Alto Research Center influenced the development of the GUI and the mouse but without Apple and Mr. Jobs it would have been much different.

We miss you Mr. Jobs, God Bless you and my condolences to your family and employees.

This video just about sums it up–>

Being a Jewish Aspie, I have experienced hate for being different…I like this.

I like this campaign saw it mentioned on Twitter by!/NOH8Campaign

As the Depeche Mode song said, “people are people so why should it be that we should get along so awfully.

I like what the no h8 people have to say, and agree, it is time that humanity got along, grew up and accepted one another as they are!!!


I especially like the no bullying video, I have been teased, and bullied for the entirety of my 42 years, so I get it, am a hetero sexual, but as a not overly athletic, brainiac, computer nerd aspie, I get it.

Intelligence Testing in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders from autism spot a fine website

Please check this nice website for autism out, autism spot.

From ScienceDaily regarding Intelligence Testing in individuals with autism and Asperger’s Syndrome – “Autism spectrum disorders, including Asperger syndrome, have generally been associated with uneven intellectual profiles and impairment, but according to a new study of Asperger individuals published in the online journal PLoS ONE, this may not be the case — as long as intelligence is evaluated by the right test.” Click HERE to read more about this study.

please click here for more information–>

One Way to Handle Holiday Temptation: Help an Autistic Child Instead! An Article about us by Vickie Ewell

A blogger friend Vickie Ewell from her blogsite did this nice article on us:
Please look here for the original post and other nice posts on gluten free living–>

With the holidays right around the corner, low carb folks will soon be talking about how to handle holiday temptation. The solution varies, depending on whom you talk too. Right now, we’re starting into the curve known as Halloween; that means candy, candied applies, donuts, spiced apple cider, and other holiday goodies.

Some of them can be given a low carb twist, sure, but let’s be honest: with all of the genetically-modified corn and soy running around these days, the high volume of wheat protein in low carb products, the dairy, and the high glycemic sugar alcohols in sugar free candies – diet twists aren’t necessarily more healthy than the high carb foods they’ve been designed to replace. Low carb junk, and low carb frankenfoods in particular, are still junk!

Now, if we’re serious about making low carb eating a lifestyle, we can’t cave into the coming holidays without getting lost in one holiday after another, one party after another, one excuse after another – or we’ll find ourselves, come January, a little bit heavier at best. And at worst? Back to where we were when we first started low carb dieting. Course, giving in to a treat or two won’t make you fat; but, I’m not talking about controlled, flexible dieting such as that described and recommended by common-sense folks like Lyle McDonald.

No…I’m talking about individuals who find their cravings ignite with a single cheat. One piece of Halloween candy, a little hard apple cider, a couple of bites of a sugary hot-and-cinnamon-y red candied apple, and they wake up the next morning face-down into the white-flour pancakes swimming in imitation maple syrup.

Okay, maybe you’re trying to control yourself with a stack of low carb pancakes and diet maple syrup, but still…most folks struggle to apply the brakes for days afterwards, if they allow themselves a free holiday meal or dessert.

I haven’t been as devoted to my Facebook account lately as I should be; partly because my health has been downright crappy this past year, and partly because I’ve been spending hours upon hours researching the medical possibilities. But I happened to be on there the other day, and noticed that David Berkowitz, president and founder of Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone Inc., had posted to my wall. (I’m talking about my personal Facebook account, not my author’s page.)

I first met David on Twitter where he asked me if I ever wrote articles about autism companies, explaining what they were currently trying to do. So, I checked out his website, did a little bit of research on him, and he gave me an interview. The result was two articles for Suite 101:

Give Your Old Tablet PC to Tech News and Help an Autistic Child
iPads for Kids with Autism: Tech News Zones Wants to Help

They explain in detail who David is (an Aspie dad trying to raise three aspie sons), and what he’s trying to do with his recently formed company (get iPads and other forms of technology, music, and the arts into the hands of autistic kids whose parents can’t afford them). However, despite his good intentions and hundreds of hours of devotion and time put into trying to get his company into the air, he’s bucking a lot of wind.

As he said to me on my Facebook wall, he’s holding a Rubios fundraiser at all three of the Rubios in the Las Vegas – Henderson area on 10/21/2011. Those who live in that area, or plan to be in that area on the 21st of this month, can help support autism’s cause by downloading the pdf version of a fundraising flyer on his website, and then go to one of the three Rubios on the 21st to help support the cause.

For those who don’t live in the Vegas/Henderson area, they can easily make a donation through David’s website, Technewszone. Only, according to the post David made to my Facebook account, NO ONE has donated anything yet. So I was thinking… (yeah, I know that can be dangerous, but…)

Maybe, instead of cheating on our low-carb diet this holiday season, we can donate the money we would otherwise spend on illegal goodies (or even a portion of the legal ones) to help non-verbal autistic children get the iPads they need to learn how to communicate. It’s a fallacy that because many children with autism can’t talk, that it means they don’t know what’s going on. They do.

Autism is a brain malfunction that often leads to developmental delay and sensory issues, but these kids still have ears that work just fine. When given the opportunity to learn how to communicate through visual means like iPads, computers, picture cards, and sign language they can make dramatic, significant headway.

So think about it. We spend tons of money on the holidays. We decorate the house with holiday décor. We buy Halloween costumes, pick out giant turkeys, and spend hours in the kitchen whipping up tons of food for a 30-minute Thanksgiving dinner. We buy Christmas trees, Christmas and Hanukah cards, party fair, and make platefuls of cookies, candies, and other Christmas and Hanukah goodies. We buy new clothes. And yes, we buy presents.

So if you want to do something just a little bit different this year…why not give up all of those extra pounds of fat we all tend to put on during the holidays, and instead of over-indulging, why not find room in your heart to brighten up the life of an autistic child? It doesn’t have to be money. is about getting technology, music, and the arts into the hands of autistic children. They accept all sorts of non-monetary donations: Anything an autistic family may not be able to afford to buy, due to the high costs of therapy and specialty diets.

So check out my two Suite articles linked to above, think about adding the cause of autism to your holiday list, and then do something to help. As David’s website says, if everyone who visits this blog donated only 50 cents, then together we could bring a miracle into the life of an autistic child.

I appreciate it a great deal Vickie, more than I can say..

Recently I found this article on Broadway world–>

Since our mission involves exposing autistic people to art, the arts, and music we find this to be quite excellent!!!

Yesterday, the Theatre Development Fund, presented as a part of TDF’s Accessibility Programs (TAP), the first ever autism-friendly performance in Broadway history at Disney’s landmark musical The Lion King.

In order to be “autism-friendly,” the show was performed in a friendly, supportive environment for an audience of families and friends with children or adults who are diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder or other sensitivity issues. Slight adjustments to the production included reduction of any jarring sounds or strobe lights focused into the audience. In the theatre lobby area there were designated quiet areas, staffed with autism experts, if anyone needed to leave their seats during the performance.

According tot he NY Times, the special presentation was a great success, as the children in attendence were quite responsive. Jesse Howarth, father of seven-year-old, autistic sons, said of the performance: “It’s a long show but they stayed through to the end, which was impressive for them. We couldn’t otherwise come to a show like this out of consideration for someone who paid a lot of money for a ticket, and they want to see an uninterrupted Broadway show.”

Read more:

For the rest of the story click the link at the top of this post.

Here is a brief snippet of the Lion King Production–>