Faces Of Autism
An Approach to Educating Child with Autism: Just Believe
It is in the manner of perception that we can either work our way out of a problem or say that our trip just ended. We often experienced giving up and say in the end that if we only held tight to the rope then we could have risen to victory.
Autism is just the same. We may perceive that we cannot find our way to work the problem of our child out. But there are endless possibilities, if only you believe.
It is the way we think that will affect our actions to things. It is the approach we use in determining what will work for us and what will not. It all lies in patience and faith in whatever we do. Just be patient in waiting what truly awaits your child and you. Just be patient and you will find what truly troubles your son or your daughter. Just be patient and your child will be the one to tell you the cure for his or her condition.
Educating a child with autism is deemed next to impossible. If you as a parent believe in that too, you will find that your child’s case is an impossible to handle problem. A child with autism can learn, only in different manners. Your trip cant be over when he cant understand a word you say or he doesn’t get the meaning of what is an a or b. Somehow, your role is to find the ways by which he may easily catch up with things.
He learns at his own pace and at his own time. You can’t hasten him to ripen when his time hasn’t come yet. You have to be patient and really take him to the step-by-step manner of educating him. You can’t expect that they already have registered in his mind if you just say to him things at one time. If ìpractice makes perfect idea is trueî then this time, believe in it. Your methods on educating your child may not be perfect or the results may not yield out perfectly but at least, the little things you have done to help him learn will make his life a bit more meaningful.
If it is behavior that you are dealing with, then it is best that you modify your behavior too. It takes courage to do just that since we are already oriented with the world of reason. Helping your child would mean defying what is normal. Act childish if you must. That way, you can better communicate with your child.
There is no standard approach to educating children with autism. After all, each child with autism displays a behavior different from that, which is shown by another. The autism range is too wide that is why there is no way to categorize children displaying autistic features. Nonetheless, it is you who know your child best. You may not know the nature of his sufferings exactly but the compassion you have and your commitment to love will spar you to take your child to newer heights of learning.
He can’t forever stay with learning ABC’s or 123s. Somehow, he has to learn better. But this certainly doesn’t mean that you have to force him to learn.
As you might have concluded by now, a child with autism does not learn in ways similar to that of normal children. This is inevitable since their brain works in ways dissimilar with the normal brain. Add to this the fact that they are impaired with certain behaviors that are crucial in proper learning. Before you can truly go deep to their brain, you have to eliminate barriers such as compulsive and repetitive behaviors that often go beyond hurting their own bodies.