A new study shows nearly 75 percent of children with autism have been bullied!

A new study shows nearly 75 percent of children with autism have been bullied!


WICKLIFFE, Ohio – A new study shows nearly 75 percent of children with autism have been verbally bullied and half were ignored in social situations.

The Integrations Treatment Center in Wickliffe is working with a new treatment plan that is providing a positive vision for families and children in dealing with all aspects of autism. The plan is called he Success Approach. The whole idea is to involve more than one therapy in treatment.

“Occupational therapy, speech language pathology, special ed, psychology and all of those theories work together. It’s not just taking one theory and applying it to the child,” Assistant Director Ellen Winney said.

This approach helps a child speak, walk or whatever else they are challenged with as part of their disorder.

One of the children who is working with the Success Approach is 4-year-old Dominic Regan. His parents, Patrick and Joy, said they found out he had autism when he was just a year old. They searched for something new or different to help their son. They wanted to go outside the box with the latest treatment available.

Joy Regan said since they found The Integrations Treatment Center, it’s only taken one year for Dominic to learn how to communicate.

A link to the video and the original report–>

Ryan’s Journey Through ASD (with Interactive Metronome) from Autismspot!!

Ryan’s Journey Through ASD (with Interactive Metronome) from Autismspot!!
Ryan’s Journey Through ASD (with Interactive Metronome)

I love Autismpot and their content. I recently found this nice article on Metronome therapy on their site that is worth reading–>


Ever wondered what Interactive Metronome (IM) therapy is or how it might benefit your child or client with an Autism Spectrum Disorder? This guest blog, written by Mary Jones, shares the story of a boy named Ryan who experienced great progress through the help of IM in a private therapy setting and within the home. Our thanks to Mary for sharing Ryan’s story.

By Mary Jones

Ryan is an 8-year-old boy with an energetic, all-encompassing, endearing personality paired with a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Raised by his grandmother, Ryan had been seeing me for conventional Occupational Therapy sessions for several years. He loved, craved, sought out and engaged in movement activities at every given opportunity and playing freely within a Sensory Gym was the highlight of his week. He could spin and not get dizzy, climb with never a sign of fear, crash with no sense of danger and his ‘engine’ continued apace from dawn to dusk. I had tried, using all of the clinical management and traditional therapy tools to influence Ryan’s control of his regulation and behavioral skills, with limited to inconsistent results. Ryan was comforted by deep pressure and would calm for short periods, but as soon as it was removed he seemed to be right back to square one. He enjoyed heavy work and was tolerant to his routine including lifting, pushing and pulling activities but again, the results of such calming activities were short lived. Ryan lived in a world where he was constantly being told and directed to ‘Slow Down’; ‘Press lightly’; ‘Be Careful’. His grandmother frequented the school office with insidious regularity as Ryan’s movement and learning style spilled over into his academic performance and classroom behavior. He could not sit still; could not follow directions; could not keep in class without a personal aide. Ultimately it was decided that placing Ryan in a self-contained class for students with an Emotional Handicap would serve best for his own safety and the wellbeing of his peers.

It was about this time that a new product was introduced into my therapeutic ‘tool-kit’ by the name of Interactive Metronome (IM). I completed the certification training with both interest and intrigue as to how a modality with the express purpose of improving a child’s motor response to an auditory stimulus, could also help in the remediation of multiple classroom skills, functional daily living skills, behavior and communication skills to name but a few. I reviewed carefully my functional goals for Ryan, which included learning how to slow down, control his behavior and attend to task for a functional time frame. With these goals in mind we embarked upon a journey together that transformed not only Ryan’s life but also the course of my professional ambition. As we progressed with the program, it became clear to me – Ryan was learning to reference the auditory beat and identify when he was too fast or too slow in his response speed, he was learning from the ‘inside-out’ what it meant when someone told him to ‘slow down’. Progress was steady and at a ratio of two sessions a week, each of 45-60 minutes, Ryan was demonstrating positive functional outcomes. He was beginning to attend for longer periods in class, could stand in line with his classmates, was listening and understanding with more clarity and consistency. But most of all, his negative behaviors were diminished to the point of recommendation to move up, once again to an integrated classroom.

As we well know, when faced with increased challenge or stressors, children with ASD often need a higher frequency of lifestyle modifications or support and Ryan was no exception. With the progression to integrated learning came a greater need to refine his response to his environment. His grandmother was concerned that he would fall back into his old ways if he did not maintain the same frequency with his Interactive Metronome training and brought to me a request to move his session frequency to three times per week. Now any of you that are familiar with attending therapy session will be fully conversant with the commitment involved in both time and personal finances, not to mention the act of a “Higher Power” it often takes to add another session into a therapists’ schedule. With all of these elements in mind I was thrilled as a professional to be able to extend structured program to Ryan and his family in the form of the IM Home Program. This program enabled Ryan to access Interactive Metronome interventions at home for short bursts before test taking, for longer periods when transitioning to newer challenges required for maturation (consider the stressors involved in Middle School!) and even to wind down and ‘reboot his brain’. More importantly it allowed me to keep in touch, professionally with Ryan and his family at a much more functional level for a far greater, more affordable time frame to help him get into gear for all that life had in store for him.

Mary Jones OTR/L


Mary Jones OTR/L, LMT, CIMT, Graduated from St Loye’s School of Occupational Therapy (UK) in 1986. She has been an Occupational Therapist for 20 (+) years and has been practicing in the USA since 1993. Mary has lectured extensively in her field at a local and international level and has worked in a variety of healthcare settings in both the USA and the UK. Curently, she is the owner of the pediatric practice Sensational Kids LLC, based out of Bradenton, FL.

Autism rescue: Firefighter teaches how to help autistic people in emergencies

Autism rescue: Firefighter teaches how to help autistic people in emergencies

This is a nice article and a video with regards to Bill Cannata a fireman, father of autistic kids and an advocate for autism. It is quite nice and valuable to read!!


By Lisa A. Flam
As an experienced firefighter and a devoted father to an autistic son, Bill Cannata is combining the two worlds he knows so well to help protect others.
Being in a fire can be confusing and overwhelming — especially for someone with autism, says Cannata, a fire captain in Westwood, Mass. And autistic people may react in a way that seems combative to emergency first responders. His mission: teaching first responders around the country how to identify someone with autism and how best to help them in an emergency, when every second counts.
Cannata knows about autism first-hand: His 21-year-old son, Ted, who has the disorder, is unable to speak and is highly sensitive to sight, sound and touch.
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“They’re going to react differently,” Cannata told TODAY. “They’re going to resist rescue because of the confusion. They may have extreme behaviors because of the situation.”
That could mean getting out of control, acting aggressive, or simply shutting down, Cannata says.
“People with autism follow a routine and if that routine is broken, this is where the confusion begins with a lot of them and they don’t know what to do,” Cannata says. “People with autism have left a burning building, but because of the confusion, went back in because that’s their safety [place], or some people will run away just to get away from all of the noise and the confusion.”
The fire/rescue autism program has educated more than 15,000 first responders, as autism spectrum disorders affect a growing number of families each year.
An estimated 1.5 million Americans may have autism, a developmental disorder marked by impaired communication and social skills. An estimated one in 110 children have an autism-spectrum disorder, making the first-responder education more crucial than ever.
“There’s such a need,” Cannata says. “I’m getting calls pretty much every day for training requests.”
His work is paying off.
Shortly after participating in a training session with Cannata, emergency responder Bill Turner encountered an autistic boy who was out of control at a house fire.
“I go to grab the young boy and I got him and he started pounding me on the chest and he was just beating me like he was going to beat me to a pulp,” Turner told TODAY. “And I remembered that the class had taught me that if I put my arms around him and put him kind of in a bear hug, that he will simmer down.”
Turner did the right thing to keep the boy safe until his parents could care for him, Cannata says, adding, “It was perfect.”
For all of the teaching Cannata has done, the person he learns the most from is close at heart.
“He’s my best teacher,” he says of his son Ted, “and what I do is just convey that message to other first responders.”

A video worth watching–>

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Earthday 2012 Mobilize the earth, and Disney Nature Earth Day!!!

Earthday 2012 Mobilize the earth, and Disney Nature Earth Day!!!


Our intent is to help people with autism as well as the earth if we can. If you want to help us help people with autism let me know!!!

earth day 2012
earth day 2012

As the 42nd Anniversary of Earth Day approaches, people are becoming frustrated with the failure of governments to take any steps toward protecting and preserving the environment. The Earth Day 2012 campaign is designed to provide people with the opportunity to unite their voices in a call for a sustainable future and direct them toward quantifiable outcomes, using vehicles such as petitions, the Billion Acts of Green; campaign, and events.

Earth Day 2012 will act as a launch pad for growing the environmental movement and will put forth a bold declaration demanding immediate action to secure Renewable Energy for All and a sustainable future for our planet. The movement will be comprised of individuals of every age from all corners of the Earth, and will call upon local, national, and international leaders to put an end to fossil fuel subsidies, embrace renewable energy technology, improve energy efficiency, and make energy universally accessible.

Arts for the Earth and Athletes for the Earth

The Arts for the Earth and Athletes for the Earth campaigns aim to bridge the gap between the environmental movement and the arts and sports communities respectively. Through partnerships with individual athletes and artists, stadiums, museums, and events, Earth Day Network will organize various events worldwide and engage fans on the importance of sustainability.

We will donate 25% of any donations that you give to us in April to help Earth day related causes or organizations that are earth friendly.

A cool earth day video from Disney!!!

Good Luck to Jessica Sanchez the best female performer 2012 on American Idol

Our autism nonprofit loves technology, music, and the arts. We are trying to help autism via tech, music and the arts. We need sponsors and exposure to make a difference. Please help if you can!!

We are really impressed with Jessica Sanchez, good luck to you!!!

here is her second song which was also quite excellent!!!

Colton Dixon on American Idol Goes Home, we wish you great success!!!

Our nonprofit’s intent is to help autism via technology, music and the arts.

We are seeking a concert for us to raise funds to help people with autism. If you are a musician or have a tv talk show or radio show and can help us get exposure please let us know.

We really liked Colton Dixon on Idol one of the better guys, we wish him luck and much success in the future!!!

and his second performance–>

An Aha Moment In The Classroom While Recovering From Illness from our Favorite Guest Mari Nosal

An Aha Moment In The Classroom While Recovering From Illness from our Favorite Guest Mari Nosal
Guest of our site Mari Nosal
Guest of our site Mari Nosal

Another fine article on Special Needs Education from Mari Nosal our favorite guest on the site!!

I have attempted to tell a story of my recovery from an ear infection. Every educator has most likely experienced the feeling of teaching when they wanted nothing more than to stay in bed. In this story I was reminded of how the children can teach me a thing or two:-0)

I am finally recovering from a terrible double ear infection that has left me temporarily hearing impaired. I must persevere. My classroom and personal issues must consciously be separated. I silently remind myself of this fact as I balance on one knee so I can hear the children’s requests. In reality, I would like nothing better than to be home in bed. Smiles must be placed upon my face and I feign interest in all the children’s requests. If I can’t do this the children will merely infer that I do not wish to be with them. Despite every day challenges they light up my day. I keep reminding my self that for some of these children, I am the only stability in their life.

I silently decided to remind myself of what my role in this class is. My eyes scanned the room and reminders of the positive influence I have on these children are every where. I eyed the cubbies. My coat had been silently moved to a five year olds coat hook. I had forgotten that she likes our jackets to be hung together on the coat hook so that they touch each other. On the table laid several notes written for me in childish scrawl from the children. One portrayed a brightly colored rendition of me wearing my children’s workshop shirt. Under the picture was a note that said “I like that Miss Mari Cares about us.”Another note said “I am glad Miss Mari is here”. These notes reminded me of how much my effort are noticed by the children. How could one not feel better after seeing these reminders?

The children would soon remind me of the difference betweens an adult’s perception of what is important versus a child’s. Saturday is the day we are celebrating Dr. Seuss birthday party. We are to have an open house at the school of which I am expected to attend. Mountains of Dr. Seuss pencils and erasers sat upon the table in my classroom. They awaited the active participation of my young charges to create 100 goody bags for the party. I gazed at those bags and thought about what an effort it would be to get these children to make goodie bags. The thought of that and doling out green eggs and ham the following morning was not my idea of a rousing experience.

The children surprised me. They reminded me of the dangers of assuming the future with my adult lenses. The children gazed at the goody bag articles and shouted with glee. They sat patiently as I explained how to assemble the bags. We than got down to work. The children ranged in age from five to eight years old. The younger ones were intent on tying the ribbons on the bags independently. My assumption of a job that would be incomplete at days end proved to be wrong. The bags were finished in one hour! The children had such a feeling of pride on their face.

I was reminded that not all learning experiences lie within my curriculum. There is more to learn than just reading and writing. I learned as much from the children as they learned from this experience. Children that began the project feeling incompetent and incapable of doing the project independently had learned new skills like how to tie ribbons on bags. They practiced sorting skills by placing two pencils, and eraser, and a pencil grip in each bag. What I initially perceived as a drudge project turned out to be an enjoyable experience that taught all involved lessons, including me.

I hope my experience reminds all educators of what an awesome job AND responsibility we have.

Mari N. M.Ed., CECE


I can totally relate to this video it relates to how people like me feel with Asperger’s Syndrome

I can totally relate to the following video from Asperger’s Sadie on twitter.

I am married for 19 years, but:

I have no real friends other than my wife

I do not get people

I do not know how to play the game

I can not read body language

I am extremely bright

I do not really know what people mean when they say, “you know”

Or in School when they said, “you have no friends because you try to hard”

How could trying to hard make you have no friends?

Do not know why people do not respect you for what you know.

I do not know how to really converse with others

It really frustrates me.

Other people accept things without question

I question everything, analyze everything

I can read a 300 page book in a few hours, to me it is simple

I also have a habit of talking out loud when thinking, I can process things better when I say it.

Here is a link to her fine website–>


A tribute to Mr. Dick Clark a legend in his own time

A tribute to Mr. Dick Clark a legend in his own time
A legend passes on at 82
Mr. Dick Clark passes on at 82

I have felt that what is important in life is to make a difference, to make a lasting memory.

Mr. Clark’s health had been on the decline since he suffered a significant stroke in 2004 — forcing him to retire from his hosting gig at “New Year’s Rockin’ Eve,” which he created in 1972. Ryan Seacrest took over in 2006. Dick has appeared on the show sporadically ever since. His final appearance was in 2011.

At 43 years old I can remember watching Mr. Clark on New Years Eve, he will surely be missed.

Here is a summary from IMDB as to Dick Clark’s many accomplishments–>

He and his wife, Kari Clark, were married on 7/7/77 in a ceremony that started at 7:00 pm. His address in Burbank at that time was PO Box 7777.

Actor John Davidson’s father was the man who performed Dick and Kari’s wedding vows.

First wife Barbara Mallery (aunt of composer Billy Mallery) was his childhood sweetheart.

Began his career in 1945 in the mailroom of WRUN in Utica, New York, working his way up to weatherman and then newsman.

Graduated from Syracuse University in 1951 with a degee in business administration.

When “New American Bandstand 1965” (1952) was picked up by ABC in 1957, he changed its name to “American Bandstand”, ended the show’s all-white policy and began introducing black artists. By 1959 it was broadcast by 101 affiliates and reached an audience of 20 million.

In 1959 the U.S. Senate began investigating the practice of “payola”, in which record companies bribed radio personalities to play new records. Clark admitted he accepted a fur stole and jewelry and held financial interests in artists and songs that were frequently on “New American Bandstand 1965” (1952). Even though he was cleared of any wrongdoing, he was ordered to either leave ABC or sell his interests; he sold.

Children with Loretta Martin: Duane Clark and Cindy Clark.

Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1993.

Was the co-owner of Film Ventures International Pictures with Edward L. Montoro for several years.

On 2/14/02, Dick Clark Productions announced it will be acquired for $140 million by Mosaic Media Group, Inc., Capital Communications CDPQ Inc., and Jules Haimovitz, a senior television executive. Stockholders will receive $14.50 per share in cash. Clark himself will receive $12.50 per share in cash for a portion of his shares. Dick Clark Productions was founded in 1957.

Child with first wife Barbara Mallery, Richard, Jr., was born 9 January 1957 in Philadelphia, PA.

He was inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame in 1990.

Filed suit in federal court in Los Angeles, alleging that Michael Greene, president and chief executive of the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences, maintains a “blacklist” policy that prevents stars – including Britney Spears, Michael Jackson, Sean Combs and Toni Braxton – from performing on both Greene’s Grammy Awards and Clark’s American Music Awards. The suit seeks $10 million in damages. (19 December 2001)

Rarely consumes alcoholic beverages, and every December 31, when he and his wife host “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve”, she doesn’t drink, either.

Was hospitalized for a mild stroke and is reportedly doing fine. [8 December 2004]

2005: For the first time in 32 years, he was not around to see the New Year in with his “Rockin’ New Year’s Eve” celebration on TV. It was hoped that after he had suffered his mild stroke in early December 2004 that he would recover enough to host the festivities. With Clark still in his hospital bed on New Year’s Eve, Regis Philbin filled in for him.

Is a close personal friend of singer Connie Francis. Connie’s music label was going to drop her if her last recorded song didn’t sell. Thankfully, Dick played it, “Who’s Sorry Now”, on “New American Bandstand 1965” (1952) and it became an instant hit. Dick has stayed by her side even through her personal tragedies and she thanks him in every single one of her shows.

In one of his few dramatic roles, he played against his nice guy image to portray the murderer in the final episode (air date 2 May 1966) of “Perry Mason” (1957). The episode was appropriately titled, “Perry Mason: The Case of the Final Fade-Out (#9.30)” (1966). He also played against type as a nerdy guy who turns out to be a psycho killer in the film, Killers Three (1968).

He produced the late Friday night ABC-TV series, “In Concert” (1972) (1972-1973), which featured many of the top rock acts of the day including Alice Cooper, Jim Croce and The Allman Brothers Band.

Was considered as host of “Las Vegas Gambit” (1972).

Here is a link to the information from IMDB–>http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0163863/bio

Here is a clip from ABC New As well–>

A Coke And Mentos Explosion – A Lesson In Chemical Reactions a cool article by Mari Nosal!!!

A Coke And Mentos Explosion – A Lesson In Chemical Reactions a cool article by Mari Nosal!!!
Mari Nosal Science for kids
Mari Nosal


I have actually done this experiment with my kids, they really loved it and I can totally relate. I wish I would have had someone like Mari Nosal for a teacher when I was young.

Today I set out to conduct a science experiment. My goal was to introduce my young charges to the world of chemical reactions. I attempted to present an explanation in a format that five to 12 year olds would comprehend. I prayed I would not lose control of the children. My other fear was not executing the experiment properly and making myself appear incompetent in front of the children. The experiment consists of dropping a tube of mentos candy into a two liter bottle of diet coke. If all goes well, a six or eight foot eruption laden with mentos, coke, and aspartame would be strewn about the school playground.

I attempted this experiment in June of 2008. The resulting eruption was weak. The geyser grew to a mere two feet. The children were thrilled with the end result. They were ignorant to the fact that the geyser should have been much bigger. I however, knew that I had failed. I strive for perfection in all my actions. The children were happy, but I knew I could have done better. I went home and researched my original experiment and found out I lacked a simple component. A plastic tube that slips into the neck of the soda bottle, a tooth pick is inserted into small holes on the bottom of the tube. The tube is filled with mentos. The toothpick stays in place to keep the candy from falling into the soda bottle. When the experiment is performed the tooth is removed. This allows the candy to drop into the soda bottle as I jump back.

In my original attempt, I merely opened up the roll of mentos and attempted to drop them into the soda manually. The chemical eruption takes effect as soon as several pieces of candy mingle with the soda. The ensuing eruption does not allow enough time to manually drop in the whole tube. Thus, I WAS forced to step back without dropping the whole roll in. I have learned from earlier errors as an educator. My style veers less towards being impromptu in executing lessons. I now strategize plane, and research my projects. This lesson was the product of a detailed plan. I purchased tubes on the internet, bought the appropriate soda. It had to contain caffeine to explode.

Now, on with a description of the afternoon, I went to work early. I set my tools on the table. When the children came in I wanted to be organized and ready to perform the project. I painstakingly opened up several rolls of mentos. I inserted skewers into the mentos tubes. My rationale was that they could be pulled out at a slower pace than a toothpick due to their length. I than proceeded to pick up my younger charges from the kindergarten. Seven five-year olds were lined up and taken outside to wait for the older children to arrive on the school bus. The older children arrived. Everyone was excited about our afternoon’s activity choice. As I took a head count my excitement waned. I mentally hoped that my experiment would be executed as planned and keep the children engaged.

The children were instructed to go to circle time, but leave their coats on. Hence, we could accomplish the task of getting outdoors for the experiment in a quick manner. As we sat on the floor in a circle I briefed the children on expectations they would need to adhere to during the experiment. I answered questions about why they would sit in a horse shoe outdoors a safe distance from the soda bottles. I explained that I wanted no one to get soda in their eyes during the explosion, nor have to walk around all day in clothes laden in soda.

The children were informed that if they could not maintain control of their bodies that they would be showing me that they were too irresponsible to be included in today’s activity. Repercussions were expressed. Children not capable of maintaining body control would be escorted indoors during the experiment. I told them that this was not a punishment but necessary so I could leave them under the supervision of another teacher during the experiment. I do not seek to embarrass the children. I knew they were all looking forward to this activity and did not wish to be ostracized from the project. My prediction proved correct. Everyone maintained an attentive form and no one was excluded.

Upon finalizing my expectations, and what the experiment would consist of we ventured out to the playground. The children took their places without prompting. I set out the tools for the experiment and began the presentation. I used a form of scaffolding that I devised for projects like this. Some of the children are extremely young so I described the chemical reaction as having a similarity to friends. Children choose friends that have similar interests. I set out a tray of water and added vinegar. I explained that since the water did not have chemicals the vinegar got along with it. I showed them the mixture and we talked about how no reaction took place.

I set that tray aside and poured vinegar and baking soda into a pan. The ensuing bubbling concoction received loud oohs and aahs. I explained that both vinegar and baking soda contained very different chemicals. I asked the children to visualize this as two children who don’t agree with each other. Now, the fun began. The soda was positioned with tubes in place. As I pulled out the skewers I had the children count loudly to the number three. The skewer was pulled out and I jumped back. An eight foot soda laden geyser was produced. The children yelled “again, again”. I had planned ahead, produced two more bottles of soda and repeated the experiment.

The highlight of the experiment was the finale. I produced disposable cups and gave each child a cup of mentos laden soda. This memory will be imprinted in their minds for years to come. The smiles produced outweighed the effort to execute the project. That meant a lot to me as well. Another day has passed. Hopefully, I have instilled a new-found sense of curiosity about our world in the children. If I can send them on their way after having successfully gotten them to step outside the box I will have accomplished my goal as an educator.

Always remember, if learning is fun, children will love learning.:-0)

Mari N. M.Ed.