- My Family out at an event for Cancer
1) Humor and Sitcoms Do not really get it, I get sarcasm. What others usually think of as funny I do not get.
2) Being on time, I am obsessed with being early, if you say you will be somewhere at 10:00 am then be there at 9:45.
3) Honesty–> I says it as I sees it(Like Popeye the old cartoon)
4) TV and Movies–> I Like tech, Sliders, Stargate, Star Trek, Titan AE, Parallel Universes, Time Travel, Harry Potter, sorta like Twilight, my wife makes me watch, American Idol, like Music so I watch it, Xfactor for the same reason. I like Discover channel, the History Channel show life after man, the show, through the worm hole
5) Logic, I am hyper logical, seek to understand everything, high understanding of language, seek to see patterns to reality and life.
6) Learning–> I hate ambiguity, want to know everything, hate not knowing something, wonder about conspiracies, are Aliens, Ghosts, real, if so why don’t they teach us about it in school, everybody has heard stories about Aliens, Ghosts, feelings about things, Angels, the unexplained. If it is real then we are not taught about it in school,if it is not real than why do people talk about it so much, that bothers me.
7) Emotions–>I Do not really get them, I get sad, worry, anxiety, but my other emotions, like love, are not really strong. I do not have any overpowering emotions, that bothers me as well. It is like living behind a wall, sometimes it breaks, then the tears roll, but not often.
8) Eye Contact–> It makes me feel weird, do not why but it does, I try but it is a struggle.
9) Women, I am married for the last 19 years, and I liked a few other girls prior to her, but was clueless, like I had a wall around me as to what I was supposed to do with them, fear was big, was afraid to hold their hand. It frustrated me that my logical mind knew what I was supposed to do, but something inside made me freeze up. I got lucky, and got married, for nearly 19 years now. Once I like someone it is forever, why would it change.
10) Friends–> Other than my wife, I have had no real close friends, do not know how to connect to others, want friends, am a nice person, but I am so different in my thought processes, and interests that for some reason people do not get me. It bothers me to a great extent. I want friends, but friends do not seem to want me.
11) I am Jewish, but honestly, I do not really get religion, especially the really religious, who do not question anything. I gotta say I question everything, analyze everything, can not do anything with analyzing it, seeking patterns. I am rather curious about reincarnation, life after life, am open to the idea which goes against traditional religion. Who knows for sure, definitely not me.
12) Politics–> I do not really get that either. I think that we need to help all people, if someone can not afford food, provide them food, maybe make them trade work for it, if someone needs insurance, and can not get any, then provide it to them maybe a work share program. If someone needs education then help them get it. Is is not better to give until it hurts? Religious people spout words of charity but no one is willing to really help anyone else. It frustrates me like crazy.
13) People that do not do as they say–> I have had a bunch of people who say, yes we will help your nonprofit, will redo the website professionally, will do this or that but don’t. If you say it, do it. If you do not really intend to help be upright about it. I am frustrated by other nonprofits, who I have asked to help us with funding for our 501c3, I truly do not get what is so difficult. I just wish people would really do unto others they want people to do for them.
14) Contact–> I do not mind contact at times, but I am not very touch feely
15) Music, technology, and the arts–> I can not get enough of technology, music and the arts. That is why I am trying to help the improve quality of life for autistic people via technology and the arts.
16) Success–> I am driven to succeed, win the game, want to make my families lives better, and the lives of others with autism. If I could help all people on the planet I would, but logically you can’t.
17) Drama, whiny-ness, ignorance, hate, bullying–> I truly do not get drama, at times my somewhat aspie daughter, lower functioning than me, whines or is overly dramatic, it is not logical, it drives me nuts.
Ignorance, and hate–> We are all one race, the human race, religion teaches that we are all the same, science teaches that we are related via DNA, why then can not we all get along, help each other? If aspies like me ruled the world, there would be no hate, no racism, no anti-semitic people, we would all support one another.
Bullying–>There is no place or need for it, period.
To be continued