Happy New Year 2016 from the Employees and Staff at Technewszone.com and Tech4autism

Happy New Year 2016 from the Employees and Staff at Technewszone.com and Tech4autism
Happy New Year 2016 from the Employees and Staff at Technewszone.com and Tech4autism


People Like You

A brand new year!
A clean slate on which to write
our hopes and dreams.
This year:

Less time and energy on things;
More time and energy on people.
All of life’s best rewards,
deepest and finest feelings,
greatest satisfactions,
come from people–
people like you.

Happy New Year!

By Joanna Fuchs

May 2016 be one which brings Peace on Earth,
an end to War,
Acceptance of all people with unconditional love for all,
An end to hate,
A realization that color is color is only skin deep,
An awareness that there is one race, Human, at least on Earth,
An acceptance of all people as equals even those with special needs and autism!,
A realization that we all are under the same God despite all of the so called religions of men,
God Bless Us All and may 2016 be amazing!


David J. Berkowitz
President and Blogger!