Innovative Korean Start-ups Shine in CES2023 K-Startup Global Media Award

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[On-site News] Innovative Korean Start-ups Shine in CES2023 K-Startup Global Media Awards On January 7 (local time), the K-Startup Global Media Awards was held for domestic innovators participating in CES2023 in Las Vegas, USA. | Photo by Aving News [Las Vegas, USA = Aving News] Global Media hosted the K-Startup Global Media Awards event for […]

Apple plans to rain on Nokia and Microsoft with 22 October iPad launch date

Apple plans to rain on Nokia and Microsoft with 22 October iPad launch date
Apple plans to rain on Nokia and Microsoft with 22 October iPad launch date
Apple plans to rain on Nokia and Microsoft with 22 October iPad launch date (via The Inquirer)

GADGET DESIGNER Apple reportedly plans to hold an event on 22 October to showcase its next iPad tablets along with its refreshed Mac Pro and OS X Mavericks operating system. We have no reason to dispute this speculation from Allthingsd, as the website…

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