Pure One Flow and their nice new streaming music service

Pure One Flow and their nice new streaming music service

I recently had the opportunity to test and review the Pure One Flow. I was quite impressed by its simple design, reminds me of a radio that I had in the 1980’s. It is simple and non-obtrusive on the outside and state of the art in terms of its abilities and capabilities. I was also quite impressed by their streaming audio services as well as its’ ability to tag songs and allow you to either stream the song at a later date as well as download the mp3 from your computer. It also has a new Iphone application from the Itunes store as well. I hope that they also release an Android app for the Android Market as well.

Here is an overview from their Pure’s website–>http://www.pure.com/products/product.asp?Product=VL-61558

Here is a picture of the amazing little device–>

The amazing new Pure One Flow
Pure One Flow music streaming radio

A bit of information from the folks at Pure–>

Our most affordable portable digital, internet and FM radio, Pure’s One Flow is also one of our easiest radios to use with an intuitive interface and context-sensitive buttons.
Like all our products with Flow technology, One Flow combines digital radio and FM reception with a Wi-Fi connection, to provide you with a world of listening. Enjoy internet radio, listen again programmes, podcasts, Pure Sounds and music streaming when you’re in range of your wireless network, and digital and FM radio wherever you are.
ONE Flow features a smooth satin-touch finish, two alarms, a sleep timer and kitchen timer, an aux-in connector so you can connect your iPod or MP3 player, headphone socket and takes an optional Pure ChargePAK E1 rechargeable battery pack for complete go-anywhere listening.
Digital, FM and internet radio
Flow technology for internet radio, on-demand content including podcasts, Pure Sounds, and media streaming from a computer
FlowSongs service enables you to buy music direct from your radio
Input for iPod/MP3 player
Takes an optional ChargePAK E1 for portable listening
30 digital radio presets, 10 FM presets and unlimited internet favourites
Context-sensitive controls

Easy to use tone or radio alarm (mains power only)
Upgradable via Wi-Fi or USB
Visit the Lounge to register your radio, open a Lounge Account, find new content, organize your favourites and listen online

My wife is very low tech, does not know how to check her email, but she loved the device and found it to be pleasing the the eye and liked the ease of operation and sound quality.

My teen sons and 11 year old daughter also liked its’ customization, tagging and sound quality.

I have used it off and on for a couple of weeks, and recommend it to people that need a simple but powerful device for listening, to beautiful music on demand.

I also had the opportunity to use Pure’s Lounge online music hub. It was very easy to use, nice format and design, and simple to navigate. It reminds me a bit of some of the satellite radio services with much more customization capabilities. I found the music tagging and downloading capabilities to be quite nice too.

Here is a video overview from our friends at butterscotch.com

Here is another nice overview video on the Pure One Flow and its’ features and advantages–>

Overall I really like the device, it belongs on most desktops and it can also replace your bedside clock radio with great sound, really nice capabilities and features. I liked the streaming audio features, as well the tagging and downloading capabilities. Due to its complex capabilities but simple design it could appeal to the baby boomers, as well as generation x’ers like me.

Being on the autism spectrum and loving music, I find that the Pur One Flow really impresses me in its simplicity but powerful ability to deliver customized music to its owner.

Ipad 3 Secrets revealed? Maybe

Ipad 3 Secrets revealed? Maybe

I have been a Apple products user since the Apple 2’s that I used in high
school. Our nonprofit’s intent if we ever get funded is to help autism via Technology, Music and the arts. We will donate tablets to schools. Due to this we are always intrigued by the latest technology.

New Ipad 3?
Will there be a new Ipad 3 soon?

According to Techradar

The Apple iPad 2 has been out for almost a year now, so it’s nearly time to say hello to iPad 3.

The web is teeming with rumours about the new iPad 3 processor, cameras and display, so we’ve gathered together as many details as we can on its possible specifications.

Of course, some of these can be taken with a pinch of salt, but there’s definite patterns occuring and we’d say the final iPad 3 release won’t be that far removed from many of these rumours

So what’s the word on the street about the next iPad?

Apple iPad 3 release date
The iPad 3 release date looks set for March or April 2012, with an iPad 3 announcement in March to coincide with the release of iOS 5.1.

Website YourDailyMac has unearthed iOS 5.1 carrier profiles which carry the possible iPad 3 release date of 9 March 2012 in their names.

However, we’d expect the iPad 3 announcement to be in February, with the iPad 3 US release date in early March and the iPad 3 UK release date in late March.

Apple news site iMore says the announcement will be 7 March, citing sources “which have proved reliable in the past” have confirmed the date ahead of any official announcement from Cupertino.

Digitimes reported in late November 2011 that panel makers had already started shipping panels for the new iPad 3 – a million in October and two million in November.

Foxconn, Apple’s major manufacturing partner, is said to have started production of the iPad 3 in January. 2012. A source at one of Apple’s partners also told Bloomberg also stated that the company began production of the iPad 3 in January, with a view to reaching full volumes in February.

Digitimes says the new model is expected to meet the heady heights of 9.5 to 9.8 million units over the course of Q1 2012.

The Apple iPad 3 will have a quad-core processor
It’s probable that the iPad 3 will have a brand spanking new processor, Apple’s A6 – which will surely be a quad-core ARM-based processor. Quad-core designs are coming from various ARM partners and the Tegra 3 has already been launched by Nvidia, as well as the Snapdragon S4 from Qualcomm.

According to the Korea Times in November 2011, the A6 processors are to be manufactured by Samsung, despite the companies’ ongoing patent battles.

Apple iPad 3 display
A retina display was widely predicted for the iPad 2, but of course the current iPad doesn’t have a double-resolution display: for now, that’s something you’ll only get in the iPhone 4 and iPhone 4S. Could an iPad 3 Retina Display be on the way? It’s the very first thing on our iPad 3 wish list.

The exciting news is that it looks as though it is happening, with Apple reportedly testing suppliers’ current shipments of 2048 x 1536 resolution 9.7-inch displays. Now that iBooks 2 has been launched (as of 19 January 2012), we’ve also seen further references to 2x iPad screen images – these will, most likely, be for iPad 3.

However, it’s not always been plain sailing for the display – rumours continued over the summer and autumn of 2011 that the retina display in the iPad 3 was continuing to be a challenge.

Back in May 2011, we reported that the iPad 3 could launch with a Samsung-made AMOLED screen, following rumours that Apple was in talks on the matter with Samsung execs. There have also been more LG and Samsung rumours, too.

However, according to the Wall Street Journal in late November 2011, Sharp will manufacture panels for the device. Apparently Apple is investing in infrastructure at Sharp’s LCD plant. Further rumours said that Apple is looking to implement some nifty dual LED lightbar technology into the iPad 3, apparently in a bid to counter-balance the brightness issue that the Apple tablet may have, due to its super-high pixel density.

A part leak in early December again pointed to a Sharp-manufactured 2048×1536 retina display and dual lightbar.

Another source of ipad rumors is Link

The amazing folks at the Boy Genius Report also have information as well–>http://www.uswitch.com/mobiles/news/2012/02/ipad_3_to_feature_quad_core_processor_leaked_snaps_reveal/

Our week long review of Lethal Audio’s High Performance Earsubs with Microphone

Our week long review of Lethal Audio’s  High Performance Earsubs with Microphone

While I was at CES 2012, I was given a set of Lethal Audio’s “High Performance Earsubs with Microphone.” They are edgy, interestingly designed, sort of appealing to the young rocker crowd. To put it mildy I am very impressed by them.

I have used them to watch Netflix videos, listen to music, and do conference calls for my full time job with Pitney Bowes.

The sound quality is very good, they are lounder than other head sets with microphone that I have used, and the microphone works well.

I like that the cords that go to the earphones are wrapped in a nice solid covering. The covering also helps to stop them from tangling as well.

I like their fit and finish, as well as the cool little bag that they come with to store them in your pocket with.

If you are looking for nice quality ear buds with a microphone for music, conference calls or gaming these are an excellent choice.

They have nice sound, great bass response, and a nice design and image.

Here is a link to their site as well–>http://lethalaudioheadphones.com/earsubs/5554/5554.htmls

A Toast To Technology–>An intriguing Article from our friends at Techcrunch

A Toast To Technology–>An intriguing Article from our friends at Techcrunch

According to John Biggs at Techcrunch–>

I hold the unpopular opinion that technology – more specifically the proliferation of social media – is not intrinsically “good” in any sense. Social media is, however, important, and I propose we raise our glasses of good cheer to what social media and its related technologies have wrought around the world this past year and the good it will, in real terms, do in the future.

The great lie of social technology is that propagandists fear it for its ability to connect us in unified opposition. This is untrue. A status update cannot rally a crowd in flux. There are far superior tools too do this in a protest environment, namely SMS and good old “shouting.” Facebook is useless when soldiers are firing into your Google Plus circle.

What social media does and has done is reduce the barriers between people and expose the lie that any one place is better than the other. It also shows us, in very real terms, that humans are humans wherever they are. This is what frightens dictators and false potentates the most: the great leveling of human experience.

China is not afraid of Twitter because it can rally millions. It can’t. A retweet is not a bullet in the gun of anti-fascism. China’s government is afraid of Twitter because it is not beholden to their version of the truth and the truth, as they say, will set you free (at least free enough vent your rage against economic and social inequality). It is impossible to police many social networks and, as such, it’s impossible to maintain control of the reigning philosophy. The mundanity of Twitter, for example, exposes the theocrat’s lie that Western civilization is decadent and depraved. The status updates of the average music lover in Iran is the same as the status update of the average music lover in Scranton (“Cee-lo sucks!”) This leveling is dangerous to those who would keep it secret in order to maintain the notion we are intrinsically different and that our differences will never allow us to see eye-to-eye.

It’s impossible for politicians to condemn homosexuality, atheism, and other “moral” issues when millions of people tweet their support of these very concepts every day. “It gets better,” they say. “And you are not alone.”

When the Berlin Wall fell in 1989, North Korean propagandists showed the middle class images of high-ranking East German officials selling sausages on the street, the message being “Look how fall the mighty have fallen.” What they didn’t show was my friend’s East German wife – about seventeen at the time – crossing the border into West Berlin to stay with a family of strangers for a week just because she could. She literally just picked a house, knocked on the door, and they invited her in.

Her parents let her go because they knew she needed to see what was lie and what was truth in the post-Soviet world and the West Germans welcomed her because they were happy to share what they knew.

And that’s the real value of social technology. It allows us to see each other as we are – drunks, flirts, poets, photographers, and friends. Why else would Rupert Murdoch open a Twitter account if not to show us that he’s just one of us, phone-hacking be damned. He loves “Geo Clooney” with all of his sclerotic heart, dammit, and he’s not afraid to tell us. He wants to be one of us and maybe he will succeed – at least until his Executive Tweeter gets drunk one night and exposes the quack behind Oz’s curtain.

When despots and oligarchs attempt to use social media in this way, we’re reminded that they crave power. I wouldn’t be surprised if North Korea started Tweeting in its own special way (“Sh#t My Great Leader Says?”). I feel that Arab Spring dictators didn’t use Twitter because they did not understand it enough to see its value to their cause and, more important, it was already too late.

Social media isn’t always great. It doesn’t help us. It is, in many cases, a hindrance and a terrible distraction. But it exists, just as any other media exists, and it is important. It is a creative force (for good or ill) and it allows us normal humans to express our desires, our victories, and the stories of our daily lives in a way that is unprecedented. It is a mundane Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a window on the inequality of our lives, and more important, the window that inspires the average person to see how similar we all are in the end.

And it’s this ability to unite us as a single, global culture, a mash of music, movies, games, sport, and celebrations, that lets us see not the fallen mighty but the girl in the cold, knocking on a stranger’s door, asking to see what’s inside.

Advocacy for Autism, A Personal Appeal our post thanks to EDA Cafe

Advocacy for Autism, A Personal Appeal our post thanks to EDA Cafe

I would like to thank EDA Cafe for the article that they published about our intent to help autism:

By David Joseph Berkowitz

As an individual with high functioning Asperger syndrome, a kind of autism, and the father of three kids who are also on the spectrum for this disorder, I have always felt a need to make a difference for the people with autism. I dream of establishing a national organization like the American Heart Association or American Cancer Society to make living on the spectrum better for those with autism related disorders. Utilizing my knowledge and passion for technology with my personal experience and interest in autism, I launched https://technewszone.com, on January 11, 2011 .

We are a tech-focused state nonprofit. As we get funded we intend to help those on the autism spectrum by using technology-tablets and related computer technology plus the gift of music and the arts, to make the lives of people with autism better, and to support their families and the educational facilities that serve them.

We have a unique approach, view point and ideas.

Our Plan:

Our intent is to give the gift of technology through donated tablets and along with proper training to children and young adults with autism, their families, and the educational programs and schools that could make use of them. We also plan to fund applications to use with the technology.

Tablets are a very kinesthetic device which seems to make learning easier for many people with autism. Tablets like Apple iPads aid in education and improve the level of involvement in many aspects of their lives. However, a decent tablet runs $400-$800 which is very expensive for most families of people with autism.

Our second intent is to give the gift of music and the arts. Schools are very short on funding especially for the arts and music. Most parents of kids with autism cannot afford instruments, band trips, choir events and other arts materials. We want to help.

We will donate musical instruments to people with autism and education to improve quality of life. In addition, we will give the resources to provide help to theatre programs in both private and in public schools, as well as other arts that accept people with autism in their programs. We strive to promote inclusion and acceptance.

In order to further the quality of life for people with autism we want to expose them to cultural events. We will donate tickets, to musical events, theater, and other arts to enrich their lives.

I feel that many people with autism are talented in the arts and music. Even if not talented in the arts, I feel they can definitely benefit from the exposure to arts, music and technology.

A version of this article was originally published on The Autism Spot, an excellent resource for autism related topics.


Please help us help others for the holidays!!

We need your help to donate of tech, music and the arts for the upcoming holidays. We want to give tablets to people with autism, as well as gift cards and tickets to concerts to make their holidays happier. Please go to our website now and make a donation today to help us make a difference for people with autism and their families. Even a $ 5.00 gift card or a donation on our website will make a huge difference in the quality of life for people on the autism spectrum.

We are also seeking corporate sponsors who can help us in 2012 as well.

In addition we need media exposure so please put a link to this article on your website as well.

Our tech and autism blog is https://technewszone.com, and we will soon have our autism nonprofit site up as well at http://www.autismhelpusa.com as well soon.

To make a donation–> https://technewszone.com/tech-news-zone-and-paying-it-forward-for-autism-zone/donate-today-autism-technology-music-arts/

I am smart, different, and am going about it on my own; I am not rich and need support so that I can help other people with autism. If you are interested in helping our organization, Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Please do not hesitate to contact me.

David Berkowitz, President and Executive Director

Autism Advocacy andTechnology News Zone, Inc. A Nevada Nonprofit Corporation

Twitter: itechnewszone

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Autism-Advocacy-and-Technology-News-Zone-Inc

Email: [email protected]

Please click here to go to Edacafe to see the article–>http://www10.edacafe.com/nbc/articles/1/1035325/Advocacy-Autism-Personal-Appeal

Please take a look at our recent article on Autismspot, Guest Piece – Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone

Thanks to Leigh from the autism spot, we had an excellent article published that details how we plan on helping and making a stand for autism!!!

his guest piece is written by a man passionate about his vision. David Berkowitz lives in Las Vegas, is an honorably discharged veteran and spent the last 20 years in sales and marketing. David lives with Asperger’s Syndrome and is raising three kids also on the spectrum. Looking to improve the lives of individuals with autism through technology and the arts, David wants to share a bit about his vision with AutismSpot readers. Please help me welcome, David.
By David Joseph Berkowitz
As an individual with high functioning Asperger’s and the father of 3 kids who are also on the spectrum, I have always felt a need to give back to the world and community, to truly do something exceptional, and make a difference for the people with autism.

For the rest of the story please follow the link below.


I would like to thank autism spot for this opportunity and help with the article!!