Great Job James Durbin, on Idol last night, as fellow aspies we love ya, have so for over a year!!!

We followed James Durbin last year on American idol, promoted him like crazy on our website.

He did a great job on American Idol last nigh 4/12/12.

We wish he would help us as well with exposure maybe sponsor us.

Our mission is to help autistic people with their quality of life via music, the arts and technology.

Congratulations on your wedding as well. I have been married for 19 years, wish you the best of luck!!!!

A video from his website–>

and his lyric video as well.

Tag your it, please share our youtube videos as well–>

Some details on James’s tour–>

I really love your song, you have done a great job!!!

Gotta Love American Idol’s Commercials these ones for Ford, are nice American Idol 2012

Gotta Love American Idol’s Commercials these  ones for Ford, are nice American Idol 2012
Ford Commercial
American Idol 2012

We love music and want to help autism via technology, music and the arts. We also like American Idol.

This is one of the better videos that the idol folks have done recently:

and another that is unique interesting.

We wish that one of these organizations would help our nonprofit and news site get exposure, maybe do a video for us or talk about us on the air or sponsor our efforts.

American idol 2012 Best male performer Joshua Ledet

American idol 2012 Best male performer Joshua Ledet
Jessica Sanchez
American Idol 2012 Jessica Sanchez

We are an autism nonprofit that wants to help via technology, music and the arts. We are fans of Jessica Sanchez, who is in our opinion the best female performer, we are also impressed by Joshua Ledet who is the best male performer!!

Here is a video from You Tube of Joshua Ledet Singing, he is very good!!

If you can help us with exposure or to find sponsors as well, we would appreciate it greatly!!!

American Idol 2012, We really like Jessica Sanchez’s recent performances

American Idol 2012, We really like Jessica Sanchez’s recent performances
Jessica Sanchez
American Idol 2012 Jessica Sanchez

Our autism nonprofit’s focus is using technology, music and the arts to improve the lives of autistic people, we love music.
We really love music, and feel that is a huge benefit to people on the autism spectrum in educational and in a therapeutic manner.

We reached out to James Durbin who we followed heavily last year, and who is also autistic like us, but we did not get much support. We though that since we are autistic and he is autistic and we are focused on music and so is he, he would have been a huge help for us to find sponsors and exposure.

We are still fans.

This year we are impressed by Jessica Sanchez’s performances!!

and her duet with Joshua!!

Good Luck to Jessica!!

If you can help us with exposure to help autism that would be great as well!!!