Don’t Let the Music Stop performed by My Daughter’s Elementary School Choir May 2012, Las Vegas

I love music, and see its’ value in both the education of so called normal children and adults and those on the autism spectrum. We are started our nonprofit to help autism education via technology, music and the arts. If we can get sponsors, donors, and help, as well as exposure like on Ellen’s Show, we would help fund music in schools especially those that can not afford it themselves, we would also encourage inclusion of those with autism. That is what we are trying to, it is really simple actually.

Here is a video that my Daughter’s elementary school choice performed here in Las Vegas on the 2nd of May 2012.

Earthday 2012 Mobilize the earth, and Disney Nature Earth Day!!!

Earthday 2012 Mobilize the earth, and Disney Nature Earth Day!!!

Our intent is to help people with autism as well as the earth if we can. If you want to help us help people with autism let me know!!!

earth day 2012
earth day 2012

As the 42nd Anniversary of Earth Day approaches, people are becoming frustrated with the failure of governments to take any steps toward protecting and preserving the environment. The Earth Day 2012 campaign is designed to provide people with the opportunity to unite their voices in a call for a sustainable future and direct them toward quantifiable outcomes, using vehicles such as petitions, the Billion Acts of Green; campaign, and events.

Earth Day 2012 will act as a launch pad for growing the environmental movement and will put forth a bold declaration demanding immediate action to secure Renewable Energy for All and a sustainable future for our planet. The movement will be comprised of individuals of every age from all corners of the Earth, and will call upon local, national, and international leaders to put an end to fossil fuel subsidies, embrace renewable energy technology, improve energy efficiency, and make energy universally accessible.

Arts for the Earth and Athletes for the Earth

The Arts for the Earth and Athletes for the Earth campaigns aim to bridge the gap between the environmental movement and the arts and sports communities respectively. Through partnerships with individual athletes and artists, stadiums, museums, and events, Earth Day Network will organize various events worldwide and engage fans on the importance of sustainability.

We will donate 25% of any donations that you give to us in April to help Earth day related causes or organizations that are earth friendly.

A cool earth day video from Disney!!!

A poem of thanks to teachers by Mari Nosal from Enabled Kids Canada

A poem of thanks to teachers by Mari Nosal from Enabled Kids Canada
Mari Nosal
Mari Nosal


One day I met a teacher

My mentor than my friend

She has been there through the tough times

My gratitude I send

No matter what my challenge

She never walks away

She taught me all the skills Indeed

And this I have to say

Thank you for your wisdom

Your spunk and humor too

You helped me be the best I can

Thanks for being you

My goals and dreams are being met

One soul helped this come true

One person took the time to guide

That person my friend is you

You are an inspiration

Your talents you do share

Your help, your guidance, humor, wit

Made school much easier to bear

Now as I forge forward

And apply what you have taught

I venture on so well prepared

Your love of life I’ve caught

My path is just beginning

I will falter along the way

I will stumble, fall, and want to run

But this I have to say

My quest for knowledge continues

Fears and apprehension do abound

I know this challenge I can take

Because I had you around

You made me believe I have a chance

To achieve what I aspire

That I can lead in my career

In me you lit a fire

Thank you mentor, teacher, friend

For giving me my start

You went beyond your job description

You live inside my heart.

Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Please help us to gain exposure to help people with autism, Feedburner and Technorati and for autism awareness!!!

Please help us to gain exposure to help people with autism, Feedburner and Technorati and for autism awareness!!!

In order to make a difference for autism we are trying to gain exposure. We would love to have an article done on us for a magazine, online website, tv show or newspaper. We are trying to make a difference for people with autism.


Autism Advocacy and technology news zone founder
The President of Autism Advocacy and technology news zone

A summary of our intent–>

As an individual with high functioning Asperger syndrome, a kind of autism, and the father of three kids who are also on the spectrum for this disorder, I have always felt a need to make a difference for the people with autism. I dream of establishing a national organization like the American Heart Association or American Cancer Society to make living on the spectrum better for those with autism related disorders. Utilizing my knowledge and passion for technology with my personal experience and interest in autism, I launched, on January 11, 2011 .

We are a tech-focused state nonprofit. As we get funded we intend to help those on the autism spectrum by using technology-tablets and related computer technology plus the gift of music and the arts, to make the lives of people with autism better, and to support their families and the educational facilities that serve them.

We have a unique approach, view point and ideas.

Our feedburner feed for syndication:>>

We are also on Technorati now, as well as ITUNES of our Podcasts.

Our technorati id for verification–> NV2BGRUVDAY2

our youtube channel–>

We are united for autism!!!


Just a little heart attack, A video from the American Heart Association and Go Red for Women-worth watching!!!

I recently saw this nice video on Youtube in regards to heart attacks that is really informative.

We all have to be careful and aware.

Please share it with the people you know and love.

Here is a link to their site—>link

A thanks to for an article on us!!

A thanks to for an article on us!!

I appreciate that The Autism News Wire did a recent article on us.

We are trying to make a difference for autism and can not do it alone.

Please check them out, their nice content.

Here is a summary:–>

I dream of establishing a national organization like the American Heart Association or American Cancer Society to make living on the spectrum better for those with autism related disorders. Utilizing my knowledge and passion for technology with my personal experience and interest in autism, I launched, on January 11, 2011 .

We are a tech-focused state nonprofit. As we get funded we intend to help those on the autism spectrum by using technology-tablets and related computer technology plus the gift of music and the arts, to make the lives of people with autism better, and to support their families and the educational facilities that serve them.

We have a unique approach, view point and ideas.

Our Plan:

Our intent is to give the gift of technology through donated tablets and along with proper training to children and young adults with autism, their families, and the educational programs and schools that could make use of them. We also plan to fund applications to use with the technology.

Tablets are a very kinesthetic device which seems to make learning easier for many people with autism. Tablets like Apple iPads aid in education and improve the level of involvement in many aspects of their lives. However, a decent tablet runs $400-$800 which is very expensive for most families of people with autism.

Our second intent is to give the gift of music and the arts. Schools are very short on funding especially for the arts and music. Most parents of kids with autism cannot afford instruments, band trips, choir events and other arts materials. We want to help.

We will donate musical instruments to people with autism and education to improve quality of life. In addition, we will give the resources to provide help to theatre programs in both private and in public schools, as well as other arts that accept people with autism in their programs. We strive to promote inclusion and acceptance.

In order to further the quality of life for people with autism we want to expose them to cultural events. We will donate tickets, to musical events, theater, and other arts to enrich their lives.

I feel that many people with autism are talented in the arts and music. Even if not talented in the arts, I feel they can definitely benefit from the exposure to arts, music and technology.

A version of this article was originally published on The Autism Spot, an excellent resource for autism related topics.

It is in our genes, Autism..
It is in our genes, Autism..

Advocacy for Autism, A Personal Appeal our post thanks to EDA Cafe

Advocacy for Autism, A Personal Appeal our post thanks to EDA Cafe

I would like to thank EDA Cafe for the article that they published about our intent to help autism:

By David Joseph Berkowitz

As an individual with high functioning Asperger syndrome, a kind of autism, and the father of three kids who are also on the spectrum for this disorder, I have always felt a need to make a difference for the people with autism. I dream of establishing a national organization like the American Heart Association or American Cancer Society to make living on the spectrum better for those with autism related disorders. Utilizing my knowledge and passion for technology with my personal experience and interest in autism, I launched, on January 11, 2011 .

We are a tech-focused state nonprofit. As we get funded we intend to help those on the autism spectrum by using technology-tablets and related computer technology plus the gift of music and the arts, to make the lives of people with autism better, and to support their families and the educational facilities that serve them.

We have a unique approach, view point and ideas.

Our Plan:

Our intent is to give the gift of technology through donated tablets and along with proper training to children and young adults with autism, their families, and the educational programs and schools that could make use of them. We also plan to fund applications to use with the technology.

Tablets are a very kinesthetic device which seems to make learning easier for many people with autism. Tablets like Apple iPads aid in education and improve the level of involvement in many aspects of their lives. However, a decent tablet runs $400-$800 which is very expensive for most families of people with autism.

Our second intent is to give the gift of music and the arts. Schools are very short on funding especially for the arts and music. Most parents of kids with autism cannot afford instruments, band trips, choir events and other arts materials. We want to help.

We will donate musical instruments to people with autism and education to improve quality of life. In addition, we will give the resources to provide help to theatre programs in both private and in public schools, as well as other arts that accept people with autism in their programs. We strive to promote inclusion and acceptance.

In order to further the quality of life for people with autism we want to expose them to cultural events. We will donate tickets, to musical events, theater, and other arts to enrich their lives.

I feel that many people with autism are talented in the arts and music. Even if not talented in the arts, I feel they can definitely benefit from the exposure to arts, music and technology.

A version of this article was originally published on The Autism Spot, an excellent resource for autism related topics.

Please help us help others for the holidays!!

We need your help to donate of tech, music and the arts for the upcoming holidays. We want to give tablets to people with autism, as well as gift cards and tickets to concerts to make their holidays happier. Please go to our website now and make a donation today to help us make a difference for people with autism and their families. Even a $ 5.00 gift card or a donation on our website will make a huge difference in the quality of life for people on the autism spectrum.

We are also seeking corporate sponsors who can help us in 2012 as well.

In addition we need media exposure so please put a link to this article on your website as well.

Our tech and autism blog is, and we will soon have our autism nonprofit site up as well at as well soon.

To make a donation–>

I am smart, different, and am going about it on my own; I am not rich and need support so that I can help other people with autism. If you are interested in helping our organization, Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Please do not hesitate to contact me.

David Berkowitz, President and Executive Director

Autism Advocacy andTechnology News Zone, Inc. A Nevada Nonprofit Corporation
Twitter: itechnewszone


Email: [email protected]

Please click here to go to Edacafe to see the article–>