My early picts for Xfactor USA 2012


I love music, our nonprofit’s intent is to help autism via technology music and the arts!!

This young lady is quite an excellent singer–>

Freddy Combs is also very good–>

and Jillian Jensen, can totally relate have been treated different all my life, not fun.

another amazing singer is Jason Brock

I am amazingly impressed by them all, and wish them good luck.

I wish they would help us with exposure for our nonprofit as well.

American Idol 2012 Who is going to win, Jessica or Phillip Phillips?

American Idol 2012 Who is going to win, Jessica or Phillip Phillips?

I really like music and American Idol. This year the talent was better than in previous years. The final 2 are both really excellent. I am leaning towards Jessica, but Phillip is great as well. I was surprised that Joshua was not in the top 2.
I wish them good luck.

The final 2 American Idol 2012
The final 2 American Idol 2012

Please help us to help autism, we are a music, the arts and tech focused autism nonprofit trying to help people with their quality of life, education and vocations.

Here are their most recent videos–>

The amazing Jessica–>


Colton Dixon on American Idol Goes Home, we wish you great success!!!

Our nonprofit’s intent is to help autism via technology, music and the arts.

We are seeking a concert for us to raise funds to help people with autism. If you are a musician or have a tv talk show or radio show and can help us get exposure please let us know.

We really liked Colton Dixon on Idol one of the better guys, we wish him luck and much success in the future!!!

and his second performance–>