Give Your Old Tablet to Arts4Autism and Help an Autistic Child by Vickie Ewell!!!

Give Your Old Tablet  to Arts4Autism and Help an Autistic Child by Vickie Ewell!!!


Technology News Zone aka Arts4autism wants to give the gift of technology to autistic children. If replacing your iPad or other tech equipment, why not donate your old one?

A new Nevada nonprofit corporation, Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc., appeared on the scene last January. Their mission? To give the gift of technology, educational assistance, music, and the arts to autistic individuals and families in need. Run by David J. Berkowitz, a tech-savvy brainiac with Asperger’s Syndrome and father to three children on the spectrum, Berkowitz wants to “pay it forward” by making a difference in the lives of those affected by autism.

Do you have a microphone or DVD player gathering dust in the closet? Are you thinking about replacing your current tablet or laptop? Do you want to update your digital camera to a newer, better model? Why not take a moment and consider how many autistic families can’t afford what you’re not using, or are about to throw away.

Cost of Raising a Child with Autism Hinders Their Future Employment Possibilities

With autism affecting at least 1 in 110 individuals, the direct and indirect costs of raising autistic children in an atmosphere of continued recession here in the United States is hitting Medicaid programs hard. According to The Autism Society, because of declining tax revenues and drained budget reserves, “the vast majority of states are proposing deep and sweeping budget cuts that will hurt families by reducing necessary and proven services.”

Reductions and cuts in health insurance, support services, sensory integration therapy, specialized school programs, family training, and employment support programs means families will either be put on a long waiting list or have to pay for their child’s needs themselves. The less funding families receive in meeting these needs, the less likely they will have money to expose their child to the world’s technological advances that could help prepare them to hold down a job – and therefore benefit society – in the future.

Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc. Wants to Take Up the Slack

David Berkowitz, President of Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc. and regional sales manager for a technical software company, has a passion for technology, education, music, and the arts. When researching how he could personally help his fellow autistics, he found articles and studies that showed tablets were an excellent tool to replace Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) devices. “There is a kindergarten class here in Nevada that is using them for education,” Berkowitz says. “I live, die, and breathe technology. Love it, as do my kids.”

Many children on the spectrum are attracted to technological devices. By capitalizing on that strong interest and obsession, it’s possible to give these kids a strong enough tech foundation to make a real difference in their lives, and the lives of their families. For example, last March, Fox News reported that an Apple iPad could help autistic kids deal with sensory overload.

Many children with autism have trouble communicating their basic needs, making a tablet extremely useful. With the help of apps, tablets provide these kids a way to unlock their “closed state” and communicate their desires and feelings, as well as educate.

Berkowitz shared that “One of my sons, 15-years old, has Asperger’s and is in tech theatre at his high school.” However, educational funding in Nevada is quite low. Berkowitz hopes to be able to receive enough donations that he can gain a 501c status, which will then enable him to help buy things like iPads that schools, families, and other organizations need.

What Can You Do to Help?

While Tech News Zone hopes to receive monetary donations that they plan to put towards buying tablets and other new tech devices for autistic individuals, schools, and other organizations – depending on their need – they also accept used equipment. “It doesn’t have to be the newest technology,” Berkowitz says. “If you don’t know what to do with your old stuff, you can donate it to Tech News Zone.” Examples might include:

Tablet PCs and iPads
musical instruments
microphones for band, choir, and drama clubs
all types of computer equipment
computer software like older Photoshop versions
PC and video games equipment
portable gaming systems
VCRs and DVD players
radios, stereos, and disc players
E-book readers
digital cameras

Basically, anything that deals with electronics, music, or the arts – including corporate sponsorships, name exposure, and anything that will help build autism awareness for their cause. Berkowitz would also like to help give autistic families tickets to plays, concerts, sporting events, or movies; and would appreciate gift cards for various electronic and tech devices.

Giving the Gift of Technology Can Change Lives

Over the past four years, each of the four houses Berkowitz rented went into foreclosure. “I have been downsized, right-sized, and left-sized,” he says. “These foreclosures have harmed our credit. My kids’ lives at times were not as fun as their peers, since we could not afford things like plays, and Disneyland.” While Berkowitz wants to reach out to everyone, his dream is to “help autistic people, their families, and Special Ed classrooms and programs.”

Before you toss away that older laptop, digital camera, tablet, or other technological device, take a minute to think about the difference you can make in someone’s life. “I have always wanted to make a difference,” Berkowitz says, “and decided to finally do it.” Like Berkowitz, you too can decide to give the gift of technology to an autistic child.


Autism Society, “The Budget Crisis,” (accessed June 14, 2011).

Fox News, John Brandon, “Is the iPad a ‘Miracle Device’ for Autism?” March 9, 2011 (accessed June 15, 2011).

Interview with the President of Autism Advocacy Technology News Zone, Inc., David Joseph Berkowitz

Technology, Music and the arts for Kids with Autism: Tech News Zone Wants to Help by Vickie Ewell!!

Technology, Music and the arts for Kids with Autism: Tech News Zone Wants to Help by Vickie Ewell!!
Ipads helping people with autism learn and communicate
Ipads helping people with autism learn and communicate

iPads for Kids with Autism: Tech News Zone Wants to Help

Tech News Zone’s Project TEACH offers kids with autism and their families the gifts of technology, music, culture, the arts, and educational assistance.

When the Apple iPad surfaced in April 2010, many schools adopted it to help children with communication and language skills – but with a starting price of $500, it’s pricey. Out of reach for many families with autistic children who could benefit from the device, Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc. (a Nevada nonprofit corporation) wants to help iPads get into the hands of those children.

Established on January 11, 2011, the company has been actively seeking sponsorships and donations to purchase iPads and other technological equipment they can give to those in need; but the response has been lower than anticipated. Even so, David J. Berkowitz, Tech News Zone’s founder and president, remains hopeful that as word spreads and people become aware of their existence, his dream for getting iPads to kids with autism will become a reality.

How an iPad Can Help Autistic Children

Children on the autism spectrum struggle with communication, social, and engagement skills. They have difficulty integrating sensory information and dealing with change. An Apple iPad offers help in all those areas, as well as a unique ability to attract autistic children through their fascination with technology.

While many kids show an equal interest in an iPod, fine motor control difficulties can interfere with their ability to use the tiny icons. An iPad works better because it’s larger, but still portable. For an example of how this newest technological device helps children learn, you can watch a short video of a child with autism tracing letters and learning to spell and read whole words, rather than through phonics.

While many on the spectrum are lower functioning than the child in the video, other apps designed for those with special needs teach:

life skills
memory skills through remembering pictures
how to make digital puzzles

By keeping autistic children engaged in playing games, this newest trend can eliminate or lessen their desire to withdraw from the world around them. It also helps attention span, motivation, and their ability to interact with parents and educators.

What Makes Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc. Different?

Helping autistic children overcome the negative aspects of autism is a goal that parents, educators, and companies like Tech News all share in common. While not the only ones attempting to raise money for iPads, this company differs because Berkowitz has Asperger’s Syndrome himself. “I know what it’s like to live with autism,” he says. “So I want to help.” With a strong passion for technology, as well as education, music, and the arts, his mission and dream to serve his fellow autistics and their families fuels the upward climb to overcome the obstacles that most newly organized companies face.

But being able to relate to what autistic children go through isn’t his only reason. After losing four rental homes in the last four years due to each going into foreclosure, Berkowitz also understands what it’s like to live on a shoestring budget, to have his credit ruined due to circumstances in life, and not be able to give your kids everything they need.

The drive to advocate for those even less fortunate than himself propels him forward. “I live, die, and breathe technology,” he says. “I love it, as do my kids. I am a brainiac, high functioning as pie.” In addition to the gift of technology, Berkowitz also wants to “help arts programs and inspire them to include those on the spectrum. I am Asperger’s, and my three kids are too. So I have a vested interest in making a difference.”

What Does David Berkowitz Want to Do?

In addition to securing as many iPads as he can get his hands on – through monetary donations, fundraising events, and corporate sponsorships – Berkowitz has implemented Project TEACH. Using each letter in the word to guide him, Berkowitz wants to give the gift of:

T = technology: provide tablets, AAC communications devices, and other computer technology to autistic individuals who need them.
E = educational assistance: ballet lessons, swimming lessons, and skills classes.
A = the arts, culture, and entertainment: donate musical instruments to individuals and classrooms; and provide free tickets to shows, concerts, the theater, and sports events to those who can’t afford them – “So more autistic individuals and families can enjoy their lives.”
C = care and assistance: pay it forward by helping all those in need.
H = holiday help: whether that’s Chanukah or Xmas.

Securing iPads for Kids with Autism is Only the Beginning

It takes a big heart to take on such a large project like giving away Apple iPads, but Berkowitz’s grandiose dreams come with no limits. In fact, he’d like the company to grow into a national foundation for autism one day. But for now, his focus is on getting the necessary funds to gain 501c3 status, engaging with others on Twitter, and running his website: TechNewsZone. “We need all the support possible,” he says. “We accept articles and stories, as well as rants, with regards to the daily struggles of autism.”

He’s also looking for people who can donate their older technological devices gathering dust in the closet, something they just want to update, or their old musical instruments. In addition, he’s always looking for help in building autism awareness and furthering his company’s goals. “If they can get us known, or on a show like Ellen, that would be huge.”


AOL News, “Engage and Educate Kids with Autism” (accessed June 15, 2011).

Autism Research Institute, Temple Grandin, “Teaching Tips for Children and Adults with Autism,” last revised December 2002 (accessed June 16, 2011).

Interview with the President of Autism Advocacy and Technology News Zone, Inc., David Joseph Berkowitz

John Bonjovi’s Acoustic Performance at the Obama for America Event in Las Vegas 10/6/2012 At the House of Blues

My family and I had the opportunity to attend an Obama for America event at the House of Blues at the Mandalay Bay Hotel, on October 6, 2012. We got to see an acoustic performance by John Bonjovi.

Please vote this year.

Part 2:–>

Part 3:–>


We are an arts nonprofit 4 autism, please help us to help autism!!!

We would like to thank John Bonjovi for the opportunity to see him and his fellow artists perform in person and helping the campaign!!

As a card carrying member of the middle class I support the president.

Support our campaign on indiegogo as well,


My early picts for Xfactor USA 2012


I love music, our nonprofit’s intent is to help autism via technology music and the arts!!

This young lady is quite an excellent singer–>

Freddy Combs is also very good–>

and Jillian Jensen, can totally relate have been treated different all my life, not fun.

another amazing singer is Jason Brock

I am amazingly impressed by them all, and wish them good luck.

I wish they would help us with exposure for our nonprofit as well.

Please check out they do great things for people with special needs via their candles!!!



Welcome to a new candle company that’s doing it’s best to empower individuals with special needs. Our staff is comprised of individuals with special needs and volunteers that assist in the candlemaking process. Jessica and her friends make every candle themselves. Hand poured with love. As we say here at ScentsAbility, making candles is like making smiles. 100% of all proceeds benefit individuals with special needs. Lighting the path to independence one candle at a time.

 Please check them out

I found this superb musical piece on Scentsabilitie’s youtube channel:–>


and these:

They enable special needs folks to improve their lives as we also want to do.



I am you an awesome poem by the truly exceptional Mari Nosal(M.Ed., CECE)!!!

I am You

I am you and you are me
For God created us all
The grass is greener on your side, but I shall climb the wall
I have many talents as you’ll see
Even though you view me differently
You laugh and sneer when I join your game
You ignore me when I ask your name
You think emotions I do lack
You talk about me behind my back
I shed many tears because of vengeful peers
I painfully endure the constant leers
But I am smart, make no mistake
I am here to say, a great friend I would make
Take the time, just be my friend
And misunderstandings, with time we’ll mend
It may take me longer to climb the wall
And along the way I may fall
But I will climb again until I get it right
And when I do you will see my plight
For I am you and you are me
We can be friends as you will see
I hope, I dream, and want to grow
We are not so different you will know
Some call me learning disabled
But I am handicapable
With a zest for life, and humor to match
That if you spend enough time with me you will catch
Just be my friend, and help me grow
In return, my talents to you I’ll show
For I am you and you are me
God doesn’t make junk as you will see.


Curriculum ideas for the inclusive classroom and parents too by Mari Nosal!!!

I am a huge fan of Mari Nosal and her writing. Here stories are very informative and inspirational and I really enjoy them.



Have you ever wondered how to encourage empathy, increase fine and gross motor skills, social awareness, independent thinking, teamwork, independent play, or anything in-between within a classroom or at home? I have compiled quite an array of activities throughout my years. The majority of my activities were used and intended for a multi-age classroom. The children I’ve taught range in age between five and twelve years and include those with emotional, physical, behavioral, gifted, neurotypical, and learning disabled circumstances. The activities are therefore acceptable for a mixed range of abilities and ages. I have pondered what I have learned through many years of trial and error. My goal is to share these activities with parents and educators to enhance the lives of other children who could benefit from my ideas.

1) Musical Paper Plates: This game is an adaptation of musical chairs. Musical paper plates is especially suitable for children who present gross motor skill issues. The chance of injury is diminished as children cannot fall on a chair when children are vying for the last coveted spot. Plates are strategically spread out in a circle. When the music stops, a plate is removed. For children who present with socialization issues and struggle with the concept of being “out”, leave all paper plates in the game. Thus, no one wins or loses. An adaptation I made for letter and number recognition is to write numbers or letters on the plates and keep everyone in the game. i.e. If a child lands on the letter A etc., I differentiate my question according to each child’s ability and ask questions such as, What is the name of your letter? What sound does your letter make? Can you name a word that begins with your letter? Can you spell the word ? My goal is to provide a game here that includes all children, no matter what their ability is, at their level, and without singling children out. I make the same adaptations with numbers. If the child steps on number five, I may ask them to stomp their feet five times, give them a math problem to solve, ask what number they are standing on, and more. The options within this game are limitless. The game then continues with no one left out of the game. This game has proved to be extremely popular with the children.

2) Enhance Thinking Skills: One child sits in the middle of a circle and mimes emotions. The child who guesses the emotion goes in the middle and the game continues. This game is an awesome springboard for discussing feelings and reinforcing social awareness. An adaptation is to pick moral oriented situations out of a bowl, and having children act them out.

3) Share a Book: This is a voluntary activity that proved popular with the children. Rather than reading for the children, ask for volunteers who would like to read during circle time. This enhances reading skills, positive self efficacy, and teamwork. I adapt this activity so all children can participate no matter what their abilities or age. If a child volunteers to read to the class, but is an early or none reader, they are allowed to choose another child to assist them. I wish to emphasize that no child should ever be forced to read if they do not wish to. Forcing a child with a developmental challenge, reading issues, speech problems, etc. to participate can backfire. The child will lose self esteem, become embarrassed in front of peers, and withdraw. I still recall being an advanced reader in elementary school. I also suffered from “watery S’s.” My second grade teacher would force me to display my reading skills in-front of the class. It was humiliating and still resides in my memory today. After the fact, I recall pretending I struggled in reading so the teacher would stop choosing me.  Some children will participate in the future if they are not forced and are allowed time to feel safe within the group.

4) Don’t Squish the Bug: This game can be played in a group, modified for two individuals, played one on one, or done just plain solo according to the child’s skills and social development. This game is great for increasing hand-eye coordination. The children fill balloons with jello and enjoy a game of catch, or adapted catch as mentioned above. It is suggested that this game be played outdoors. It is fun. However, when the balloon inevitably breaks – jello, jello everywhere. :-0)

I hope you enjoy my ideas. I would love feedback. If there is enough interest I will continue with weekly or bi – weekly curriculum ideas. Happy teaching and parenting.

Mari Nosal M.Ed.


A video tribute to September 11, 2013 and the people affected by it and the new facility.

This one is really, really touching, made me misty, truly sad!!—>

God Bless all the people that were affected by the events of that day!!!

We must never forget, and try to bring peace to our world…

Autism App Success Stories

Autism App Success Stories

For many autistic people, communication is a huge challenge. Laminated flash cards used to be the communication tool of choice; the leading technology available for self-expression. To teach new skills or express new feelings, parents and therapists had to hunt for new cards or instructional videos – a process that could take hours, days, or even weeks.

Joshua Hood, 28, had relied on such methods for most of his life, often finding himself unable to participate in school or family because he could not make himself understood. The family often had to resort to charades to identify just one item Josh might need or want. All that changed for Josh when he received an iPad. In an interview that originally aired on CBS News’ 60 Minutes in October, 2011, Josh and his mother spoke to CBS’s Leslie Stahl about the technology that changed Josh’s life. Now, with an iPad and an app called Proloquo2go, Josh is, according to his therapist Tammy Taylor, “part of the community…communication is the essence of being human. And here he is, communicating fully now.” So fully, in fact, that Josh can order his own breakfast at the local diner, talk about his favorite television show, Hogan’s Heroes, and express how he is feeling.

Organizations across the country are working to improve the understanding of autism and provide innovative communication options for those with autism, but funding is not always readily available. The Autism Project of Rhode Island was one of four charities to benefit from a special premier of the Michael Bay Transformers movie, but very few autism charities are lucky enough to land partnerships like this, which lend not only a big and newsworthy name like Michael Bay, but significant fundraising as well.

Many benefits can be derived from providing autistic children with the means of expression using technology. Take, for example, Carly Fleischmann whose parents, until she reached the age of ten, were advised to find residential care for her. At ten, Carly used one finger to slowly type three words that would change her life, “help teeth hurt.” By 17, she was taking honors classes and had co-authored a book with her father called Carly’s Voice: Breaking Through Autism, according to ABC News. Today the teen has a very active social media presence on Twitter and with her Facebook page “Carly’s Cafe” where she talks about herself, her interests and autism related topics.

Carly made the news recently after refusing to turn off her iPad during descent and landing on a flight from Los Angeles to Toronto. Carly has never been able to speak, cannot write, and can only type with one finger so her iPad (or computer) is truly her only quality means of communicating with the world. “I use the iPad like a prosthetic limb and not as a toy. I think that is what is blinding people on this issue,” she told ABC News. The plane’s pilot overruled the flight attendant and allowed Carly to keep her iPad on. If she had been forced to turn off the iPad she would have been unable to communicate for 50 minutes. That’s 50 minutes in which she could not have warned her traveling companion if she felt a seizure coming on, or any other essential concerns or communication she needed to express. What the flight attendant, along with many other people, don’t realize is that Carly’s iPad isn’t a typical entertainment device for watching the latest Michael Bay movie or listening to the newest song by Justin Bieber. Many autistic people need this type of technology to help them fit into the real world.

Not everyone with autism may respond to an iPad for learning or communication, but for the people that do it is imperative that we find a way to get the technology to them. As technology and apps evolve with new innovative ideas, those afflicted with autism will finally have the chance to greatly improve their lives.



A video From the Hoover Dam Nevada Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge #1

The family and I went out today, first day off in 6 weeks, between the full time job, part time job, and the nonprofit.

The video is from the Hoover Dam Bypass bridge, a marvel of modern technology on 9.3.2012 Happy Labor Day!!

Another video, not ours’ showing the bridge from beneath.

Here is a second video from the top of the bridge-=->