SimplyColor3D 2.0 is an app that converts single color 3D models into MultiColor 3D models. Users can paint any 3D model in the app, then convert the model into a MultiColor 3D model and download that model for MultiColor 3D printing. It works with every Slicer and 3D Printer.
The output from SimplyColor3D 2.0 can be imported into any 3D slicer. It can be used for 3D printing on FDM or sandstone printers, and it can be uploaded to Shapeways or similar 3D printing services.
SimplyColor3D 2.0 automatically unwraps 3D models. Because of the UV maps, any models painted with SimplyColor3D 2.0 will work with all other graphics applications (i.e. Marmoset, Lightroom, Photoshop, Dimensions, Zbrush, Hexels, Sketchfab, Shapr3D, Keyshot, etc.). The assortment of features in SimplyColor3D 2.0 makes it truly easy to paint any 3d model.

Making MultiColor models is DIFFICULT!
With over a MILLION models it’s no wonder that most 3D printer users rely on Thingiverse.com for content, but there are less than a thousand MultiColor models on Thingiverse. As more people are buying MultiColor capable 3D printers the demand for MultiColor models is growing.
The normal method to convert a single body 3D model into a MultiColor model is to cut it into different pieces, using a software program like NetFabb and Meshmixer. Other applications allow the user to paint the model but they don’t work with every slicer and every and 3D printers.

The only way to solve the problem is to enable easy conversion to MultiColor. That way anyone can make any 3D model a MultiColor model. This requires software for painting and converting existing 3D models.
Since there are no easy tools that support preparing MultiColor models for 3D printing, we took on this challenge and created SimplyColor3D 2.0 – the world’s best integrated solution for painting and converting MultiColor 3D models. We make MultiColor 3D easier!
Introducing …

SimplyColor3D allows anyone, of any skill level, to turn a single-body 3D model into a MultiColor 3D model, for 3D printing in multiple colors easily. All the 3D models that you design, all the models on thingiverse.com, and all the other online model repositories, can be colored & split with SimplyColor3D and 3D printed in multiple colors on any 3D Printer. This enables a level of freedom and customization never before seen. Every 3D model is now a MultiColor model. Every model can be colored unlimited times in different colors too.

For those of you who are familiar with SimplyColor3D 1.0 here is a short list of the upgrades we have included in SimplyColor3D 2.0:
- Split by color: Output in 3MF or STL
- Directly download to your computer
- Now supports ALL 3D printers and EVERY slicer.
- Fill by region
- Global color replace
- Island color replace
- Stamping: Default and custom images
- revised interface
- Favorite colors palette
- Save work online
- model gallery
- Photoshop style layers
- Custom backgrounds
- Take snapshot
- 3D rotation orientation cube
- Easy help requests
- Built in tutorial videos

Here is a little more detail on the user interface:
We think it’s important that SimplyColor3D adheres the industry standard way of doing things. That’s why we use unwrapped Obj files with texture map png’s. Models that are painted with SimplyColor3D are compatible with leading programs like Blender, Maya, 3DS, Rhino, and Zbrush.
SimplyColor3D has a main window where the 3D model is displayed. On the left hand side is the main menu where models can be saved and loaded, and painting features selected.

The Gallery shows rotating snapshots of previously saved painted models.

Custom backgrounds may be loaded, and Screenshots can be exported with a single click of the mouse.

The color can be selected by either entering the exact RGB color code or by picking from a color wheel, or by using a color picker for selecting a color that is already painted on the model. This way the user can work with a standard set of colors easily switching between them. Colors may be saved to the Favorites palette.

The Fill by region feature divides the model into paintable areas by the edges of the model. Clicking on an area will fill the entire region with the color selected.

Island color replace only replaces the color you click on, up to the border of the color which surrounds it.

Global color replace, switches one color for another, everywhere it appears in the model.

Stamping, paints an image on the model. Stamp with default images, text, or copy from the model, or you may stamp with any uploaded image.

Once you are happy with the look of your model you can convert it to MultiColor for FDM 3D printing. Simply click the “SPLIT” button and the MultiColor version of the model will download directly to your computer.
The model is now ready to be imported into your favorite slicing program, like PrusaSlicer or Simplify3D.
Alternatively, you can download the OBJ, MTL, and texture PNG file which can be used to print in full color on Sandstone or Material Jetting 3D printers.

Models that have been converted for FDM 3D printing now have each color region defined in their file. These regions can be assigned to different color filaments in your slicing program. Below shows the each color section expanded in Windows 10 3D viewer.

Covid-19: Painted, converted to MultiColor, and 3D printed:

SimplyColor3D 2.0 is unique among 3D applications. It is the only application that allows automatic conversion to MultiColor. It also has many unique painting tools and other features that make the coloring process fun, simple, and easy. Here are some of the features that set SimplyColor3D 2.0 apart from the competition:

Arcane Wonders is a board game company. They are currently running a Kickstarter campaign for The Freedom Five. Here a few time-lapse videos of their models being painted in SimplyColor3D 2.0, and side-by-side spins of the graphical models beside their material-jetting 3D printed counterparts. (renders from Marmoset)

Left Digital / Right 3D printed:

Left Digital / Right 3D printed:

SimplyColor3D is a Cloud application, which means it runs in your browser and doesn’t require any software to be installed on your computer. It supports all operating systems (Windows, Mac, Linux) and a wide range of hardware. To run SimplyColor3D your computer must have the following capabilities:
- Operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux
- Browsers: 100% Tested with Chrome
- CPU: 3ghz dual core i5
- Memory: 16GB
- OpenGL: Must support at least OpenGL V3.3
- Graphics card: GTX1050 or better
- Internet connection: 10mb/s
- Professional graphics drawing tablet (Optional)

There are 4 pledge levels:

Pricing after the Kickstarter:
Subscription MSRP: $60/year.
Lifetime unlimited access MSRP: $200.
If you pledge during the Kickstarter then you can take advantage of significant savings:
OPTION ONE: 1 Year Unlimited Access:
Start: $25 (Save 58%)
Increase: +$5 for every 100 backers
Max: $55
OPTION TWO: 2 Year Unlimited Access:
start: $45 ( Save 62%)
Increase +$5 for every 100 backers
OPTION THREE: 3 Year Unlimited Access:
Start: $60 ( Save 66%)
Increase: +5 for every 100 backers
Max: $90
OPTION FOUR: Lifetime unlimited access:
Start: $100 (33% Savings)
Increase: +5 for every 50 backers
Max: $140
SimplyColor3D will be rolled out to Kickstarter backers in the order they pledged. The length of time it takes for the backer roll-out will depend on the number of backers. There will be a period of time where we will onboard everyone and work with them to ensure that the platform is stable before it is made available to the public. This will probably take about 3 months before the general public will be allowed to subscribe to the service and access SimplyColor3D.
After the current Kickstarter backers are on-boarded then SimplyColor3D 1.0 backers will be phased into SimplyColor3D 2.0. If you want to be moved to the front of the line and get access right away then you could always pledge again to further support the project =D

We will continue to further improve SimplyColor3D with the Kickstarter funds we received from this campaign: Which is the exact same thing we did with the funds from the SimplyColor3D 1.0 Kickstarter campaign (plus more money from our own pockets…who knew software development was soooo expensive?….). We implemented many of the features that we mentioned in this section from the V1 campaign (plus a whole bunch more) like:
- Auto convert STL to the OBJ file format
- Direct download
- Improved freestyle paint brush
- Custom stamps
- Fill by region
Here is a sneak peek into our future development schedule:
- Speed Optimizations
- Thingiverse.com integration direct Import -> paint -> remix
- Sketchfab bridge integration
- New export file type (DAE, WRL, and more)
- Model transformations (i.e. scaling, cutting)
- Advanced drawing tools (i.e. Lasso, improved fill by region, square brush)
- Section views
- Magnifying glass
- Keyboard bindings from standard applications
- Mirror painting
- Enhanced gallery with cloud backup

SimplyColor3D enables everyone to be a graphic design artist. It’s so easy that young or old, professional or hobbyist, anyone can turn boring single color models into exciting MultiColor 3D models.
If you want to convert single color 3D models to MultiColor then SimplyColor3D is for you.
If you need to easily color 3D models then SimplyColor3D is for you.
If you want to 3D Print MultiColor models then SimplyColor3D is for you.
We believe that 3D printing should be colorful. We need your support to bring SimplyColor3D 2.0 – the simplest and most intuitive way to produce MultiColor models for 3D printing – to the WORLD!.
With your pledge we will grant you early access to SimplyColor3D 2.0 and use the money to further the development of SimplyColor3D and our mission to make every 3D model MultiColor.
Please make a pledge today and help bring SimplyColor3D to life =D

Thank you to Arcane Wonders for permission to display the excellent models from your game, and thanks to Stephen G. for painting the models.
Thank you to the 3D modelers who gave us permission to use their models during the campaign as follows:
- Ultra swole Pikachu, Thingiverse#3928643, by Cyenyee
- Corona Virus (2019-nCoV, COVID-2019), Thingiverse#4166787, by greg_bejtlich
- Carl’s Balloon House from Pixar Up, Thingiverse#4182425, by greg_bejtlich
- Manticore – Tabletop Miniature, Thingiverse#4062723, by M3DM
- Mike Wazowski(Monsters University), Thingiverse#4187763, by PatrickFanart
- The Mandalorian Miniature, Thingiverse#3989757, by Velrock

Risks and challenges
With our 1st Kickstarter there were some challenges in delivery. Those hosting issues were resolved and every backer received access to the application. 100% of backers received what they paid for. With version 2.0 we’ve already proactively hosted the new version and inducted previous backers to test it. That test was successful. For these reasons, you can be certain you will receive quick access to SimplyColor3D 2.0 if you back our project.Learn about accountability on Kickstarter
We did a bit of beta testing with the software and were impressed bythe ease of use and the logic in the implementation of the features and controls.