Child of the Universe, by My Daughter’s Elementary School Choir May 2012

Being on the autism spectrum as my 3 kids also are I can relate to this song. It speaks to us all.

It was performed by daughter’s elementary school, Ries in Las Vegas.

We appreciate the hard work put forth by her Music Teacher.

I met the Amazing Jennifer McIlwee Myers at a Future Horizons Event in Las vegas

I met the Amazing Jennifer McIlwee Myers at a Future Horizons Event in Las vegas
Jennifer Mcilwee Myers
Jennifer Mcilwee Myers

I attended an Autism Conference recently and met Jennifer McIlwee Myers. I had the opportunity to hear about her experiences with Aspergers Syndrome. In many ways I can totally relate. I am on the spectrum as well. I am kind of a brainiac, was always ahead of my peers in taking tests, doing assignments in school. I was always behind them socially and athletically. It was good to hear her and Dr. Temple Grandin speak, it sheds light on some of my experiences in life. I have never really had any friends other than my wife. Neither of my brother’s in Law ever doing anything with me. I can not really connect with others very well. I get it, what is like to be on the autism spectrum.

A link to Jennifer McIlwee’s Facebook Page–> link!!

Here is an overview from the Autism Resource Center of Florida–>link

It was originally published on the autism digest–>link

Here is a link to Jennifer’s book on Future Horizon’s Website–>

I was impressed by the book, and the speech which she gave with regards to the book as well.

Here is a brief overview from Future Horizons with Regards to Jennifer McIlwee Myers–>

Jennifer McIlwee Myers (that middle name is pronounced “Mac-uhl-wee”) was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome in mid-2002 and has since spent much time and energy on absorbing and disseminating information about AS and other autism spectrum disorders. Her interest in researching these topics is driven not only by her own AS but also by her brother’s diagnosis of autism. Jennifer currently lives in sunny Southern California with her husband Gary.

Qualcomm’s booth at CES 2011

I was very impressed by Qalcomm’s booth at CES 2011, their amazing technology, the informed staff and also the coffee. Their technology powers many of our modern devices. Check them out as well as my twitter page. Theirs is!/Qualcomm they have some excellent video from CES 2011. Mine is